Planning for an emergency before it happens

Published 8:00 am Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Planning for an emergency before it happens is the key for staying safe during severe weather, house fires, earthquakes, and other potential disasters.

Daphne Ellison with the Limestone County Emergency Management Agency shared tips for staying safe during disasters with The News Courier.

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Assess the needs of your family unit. Medical needs, transportation, hearing and visual impairments, and mobility are all things to consider when creating a disaster plan.

Once you identify your needs, create a support network of friends, family, and neighbors and establish a communication plan.

Set up a way to receive emergency alerts and make sure it works for you. The EMA can assist with programming a NOAA Weather Radio. Registering for Smart911 provides first responders information about you and your family. Many apps (such as the NOAA app) will send weather alerts straight to your phone.

Have a way to stay up to date on pertinent information through the course of the disaster, such as a battery-powered radio tuned to a local station. Dialing Alabama 2-1-1 on your phone also provides incident specific information during times of disaster.

Be prepared to shelter-in-place and know how to do so. Do not go outdoors and if you are in your vehicle, stay in your vehicle. For both your vehicle and home, close off air from the outside.

For disasters requiring evacuation, know your evacuation route and have an evacuation plan in place. Be alert for road hazards, such as washed-out roads and downed power lines.

For a fire, identify your ways out and designate an assembly spot.

For any disaster, have a plan for keeping your pets safe, they depend on you for care.

Create an emergency kit for your car:

  • Cell phone charger
  • Water, snacks
  • Flashlight
  • Blankets
  • Tow rope
  • Sand or kitty litter
  • Full tank of gas
  • Flares
  • Spare tire
  • Jumper cables
  • First aid kit

Create an emergency kit for your phone:

  • Bottled water
  • Nonperishable food
  • First aid kit
  • Battery operated radio
  • Flashlight
  • Medications
  • Baby items
  • Feminine suplies
  • Tools
  • Important documents

Create a go-kit:

  • Bottled water
  • High protein snacks
  • First-aid kit
  • Flashlight
  • Whistle
  • Medications
  • Baby items
  • Personal hygiene items

The most common form of natural disaster in Limestone County is severe weather, be prepared year around.

A tornado watch means tornadoes are possible in or near the area. A tornado warning means a tornado has been sighted or radar indicated. During a watch be prepared to seek shelter, but during a warning seek shelter immediately.

It is important to know where you will seek shelter prior to the emergency.

There are 16 public shelters in Limestone County:

  • Ardmore City Hall
  • Ardmore Community Center
  • Ark of Promise Community Shelter
  • Clements Community Shelter
  • Cowford Community Shelter
  • Elkmont Community Shelter
  • Good Shepherd Methodist Church
  • Good Springs Community Shelter
  • Lester Community Shelter
  • Owens Community Shelter
  • Owens Elementary School
  • Pine Ridge Community Shelter
  • Pisgah Community Shelter
  • Pleasant Grove Community Shelter
  • West Limestone High School
  • Wooley Springs Community Shelter

For addresses, see the Limestone County EMA website.

Do not take shelters in small sheds, gazebos, dugouts, bleachers, or under a tree.

During a disaster of any kind, know your plan and execute it immediately.

For more information on disaster preparedness, visit the Limestone EMA website.