
Winter reading to quell the doldrums

Novels written in driving, present-tense, first-person perspective prose are part and parcel of thriller fare, but Australian author ...


Dave Says: The importance of employee buy-in

Dave: How do I get my employees to buy-in to the company mission, and really get onboard with ...


Editorial: We need transparency from social media platforms

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has taken a lot of heat since he announced last week that he is pulling his ...


(Column) Jobo Waggoner — An Alabama political legend

When the 2025 legislative year begins in February, State Senator Jabo Waggoner (R-Vestavia) will begin his 52nd year ...


Our view: When actions speak as loud as words

Saturday on these page we published an editorial about the impact of Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy, in ...


(Column) Entropy on the right

The Cathedral of St. John the Divine is a cathedral of the Episcopal Church, the fourth largest cathedral ...


Our view: Words to live by

The question of what you can do for others, and how you get there, was one that Martin ...


Toni Says: Why am I paying more for my 2025 Part D premium?

Dear Toni: In December 2016, you assisted me and my husband Gary in leaving my employer’s benefits. We ...


Dave Says: Hit your goals by planning your goals

Dear Dave: Do you have any advice for sticking with your goals and New Year’s resolutions? I always have ...


Editorial: Keep Washington out of our life (expectancies)

Some good news as 2024 nears the end: Life expectancy in the U.S. last year made an unusually ...

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