COUNTY COMMISSION: Drivers asked to watch for workers
Limestone County drivers are again being asked to use caution when traveling on county roads because it could save a life.
At Monday’s County Commission meeting, District 4 Commissioner Ben Harrison said his crews in his district have put down reflectors on several roads, including Cairo Hollow, Lentzville, Stinnett Hollow, Flanagan and Cotton Belt roads.
Harrison said the process involves a worker being in the middle of the road performing the work. He said two signs are put out in each direction — one telling drivers there are men working and a second warning drivers they should be prepared to stop.
“We have blind curves, so when you see those, you should be prepared to slow down or stop,” he said. “We’ve had some close calls.”
In talking about the reflectors, Harrison said they have some benefits over traditional striping.
“You can see them in a driving rain, whereas with the striping, you can’t,” he said. “Plus, it’s $2,000 per mile to stripe versus $200 per mile for the reflectors.”
Harrison said the reflectors would be put down on about 80% of the county’s plant-mix roads.
Sign warning
Elsewhere Monday, District 3 Commissioner Jason Black warned businesses and those running for office that signs cannot be placed on county rights of way or in a manner that obstructs driver’s line of sight. He explained signs violating the county’s policy would be removed.
“We’ll contact you and tell you, but it can’t be to the point where it blocks vision for anybody,” he said. “It will get worse as elections roll around.”
Other business
In other business, the commission:
• Approved leasing a 2020 Chevrolet Silverado for the Limestone County Sheriff’s Office for an annual rent of $1;
• Approved a purchasing agreement with Axon Enterprise Inc., pending county attorney approval. The agreement is related to plans to purchase video cameras for the Sheriff’s Office;
• Awarded a bid for gasoline and diesel to W.H. Thomas Oil at a price of 30 cents margin over rack;
• Awarded a bid to Currie Systems for printing checks for the Sheriff’s Office at a price of $399.90;
• Awarded a bid to IMS Enterprises for printing tax mail notices for the License Commission at a price of $21,375;
• Hired Sarah Ennis as a part-time center aide for the Council on Aging;
• Gave final approval to Hogan Hill subdivision, a 31-lot major subdivision on the east side of Gatlin Road, three-tenths of a mile south of Alabama 53 intersection; and
• Gave preliminary approval to Rickets Farm subdivision, a 143-lot major subdivision on Jones Road, a half-mile north of Pepper Road.
The commission meets again 10 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 2 at the Washington Street annex.