Limestone County Veterans Burial Detail chosen to lead parade

The grand marshals of this year’s Nov. 4 Veteran’s Day Parade will be the Limestone County Veterans Burial Detail, a group of men and women who provide full military honors at the funerals of local veterans.

The group was selected by parade coordinators Alysha Towe and Haley Haggermaker because, as Towe explained, “they give our veterans who have passed away a proper send off rain or shine and free of charge.”

“It means so much to their families and is a way for us as a community to show our veterans how much we value their service and the sacrifices they made for us,” Haggermaker added.

The veteran’s detail goes above and beyond to honor veterans who have passed away, according to the group’s coordinator, Roger Keyes. Keyes served in Vietnam for 18 months and retired from the National Guard after 26 years of military service.

“The military only sends out two people for a veteran’s funeral and they do the bare minimum, but we give them full military honors, including the presenting and folding of the American flag, a 21-gun salute and Taps,” Keyes said. “I believe anyone who has served in our military deserves to be put to rest with full honors.”

The parade will begin at 11 a.m. and follow the same route as the Christmas parade, starting at Athens City High School and ending at the Athens-Limestone Public Library. Parade entries will be accepted until Oct. 30 and fees to enter range from $25-$150.

The 26-member detail will lead the parade from the top of a 2.5-ton military truck. Parade planners expect as many as 200 entries this year and hope for a large community turnout along the route.

The Patriot Guard Riders, a veterans’ motorcycle group, will ride at the head of the parade. East Limestone and Tanner bands will march in the parade, along with veterans’ groups and local businesses.

Athens VFW Post 4765 will host a free meal after the parade. All proceeds from the parade will go to pay for the VFW meal, trophies for best entries and a Thanksgiving and Christmas community dinner. Additional donations are encouraged.