Members needed for defense force
The Alabama State Defense Force is an all-volunteer uniformed State Guard Reserve—or state militia—created by state law to assume state military missions in the event of full or partial federal mobilization of the Alabama National Guard.
They report to the governor through the state adjutant general. The commander of the ASDF is a major general who reports to the adjutant general.
Members serve without pay for drill but are paid if they are called up involuntarily for active duty inside the state. Members usually drill once a month for two hours on either a Tuesday or Thursday, from 7-9 p.m.
Volunteers are required to purchase and maintain their uniforms, which consist of woodland camo dress with a shoulder patch and nametapes. The rank structure is the same as that of the U.S. Army for enlisted men and officers.
The ASDF supports the Alabama National Guard and local Emergency Management Agency in natural disasters. During local emergencies and community events, the ASDF helps with traffic and crowd control, search and rescue and shelter management. The units also provide personnel for military funerals.
The ASDF is in search of new members who are mature, dedicated and patriotic citizens, male or female, not currently serving in active or reserve armed forces units. Prospective members should be of good moral character and be in good health, although physical disabilities are not necessarily a barrier to serving.
Anyone 17 to 70 who meets these criteria will be considered. Those above 70 should apply for a waiver and those under 17 must have parental consent. JROTC and ROTC members are welcome. No prior military experience is required.
HHC and Co. A, 103rd Battalion, 1st Brigade, ASDF are located in Athens. Presently, there are opening for enlisted, NCO and officers, a surgeon, registered nurse and EMTs. There is no weapons training.
The group meets on second Tuesdays at the National Guard Armory, 1402 Armory Street. Visitors are welcome. Call LTC Cal Bonner at 232-4394 or e-mail him at