MUSEUM MOVING: Officials anxious to get started
Officials with the Alabama Veterans Museum and Archives look forward to moving across the parking lot to the Limestone County Event Center, but there’s a catch — they don’t have the deed yet.
Museum director Sandy Thompson is still hopeful the deed will be delivered this week because the members of the museum board are set to meet with an architect today. Board members expressed a desire to put up walls and an acoustic drop ceiling to turn the event center into a proper museum.
“We’re excited to get it started,” Thompson said.
Thompson said work at its new building likely wouldn’t begin until January. During the 2019 holiday season, the museum will continue to rent out the event center to groups at the same rates offered by the Limestone County Commission.
Museum board members previously told the county that events requiring event center space would still be welcome, and an area near the stage would remain open for events.
Last month, Limestone County commissioners voted unanimously to prepare a deed for conveyance that would give the Limestone County Event Center to the museum. The deed, however, contains a reversionary clause that would transfer the event center back to the county if the building is no longer used as a veterans museum.
Groups interested in renting the event center should call the museum at 256-771-7578.