Limestone Ledger for 5/8/18
Jewelry sale
A Masquerade $5 jewelry and accessories sale will be today at Athens-Limestone Hospital Education Department. Cash, debit cards, credit cards and payroll deductions accepted. Proceeds benefit Athens-Limestone Auxiliary Scholarship Fund.
Used book sale
Friends of Athens-Limestone Public Library will hold a used book sale 10:15 a.m.-2:15 p.m. today at 603 S. Jefferson St., Athens. More information: 256-232-1233.
Limestone cemetery
Limestone Church Cemetery cleanup will be 8 a.m. Saturday, May 12, at the cemetery off U.S. 72 West. Bring string trimmers, etc. If you have a loved one buried there, please come and help or make a donation for upkeep to: Robert Evans, 14919 Reid Road, Athens, AL 35611. More information: Cecil Monk, 256-771-0987.
Oneal decoration
Oneal Cemetery decoration will be Saturday, May 12, at the cemetery on Oneal Road. If you are unable to attend, please mail donations for upkeep to: Charlotte Bates, 10576 U.S. 72, Athens, AL 35611.
Sunny Hill
Sunny Hill Cemetery will hold decoration and cleanup day from 9 a.m.-noon Saturday, May 12. Upkeep donations may be mailed to: Mahlon Nixon, 17232 Blackburn Road, Athens, AL 35611.
Cemetery donations
Yearly donations are now being accepted for upkeep of the Bethel Church of Christ Cemetery. Donations are $50 and should be donated to Bethel Cemetery Fund, c/o Tommy Sprague, 25917 Pepper Road, Athens, AL 35613. Family and friends of those buried are asked to remove everything from the graves at the cemetery immediately for mowing season. Exceptions will be made for saddles and vases connected to monuments. At the discretion of the caretaker, anyone who has no made a donation for upkeep of a reserved plot will be subject to removal from reserved status and their plot being made available to families in need. More information: Tommy Sprague, 256-874-8461.
Trash attack
Individuals, families, clubs and other groups are invited to join Keep Athens-Limestone Beautiful, the Tennessee Valley Authority and WOW! cable for a countywide cleanup day Saturday, May 12. Targets will include roadsides, waterways (including the Elk River), and public lands. Meet at 8 a.m. at Big Spring Memorial Park (The Duck Pond) in Athens for coffee, doughnuts, supplies distribution and instructions. After cleanup, return to The Duck Pond at noon for lunch and a drawing for thank-you gifts. Information and registration at 256-233-8000 or
Golf tournament
Elkmont High School Quarterback Club will hold its third annual golf tournament to benefit Elkmont football. Event is 8 a.m. Saturday, May 12, at Southern Gayles Golf Course. Cost is $55 per person or $220 per team, which includes 18 holes, golf cart and lunch. $10 for two team mulligans. Several prizes are available. Register by May 7. To register or sponsor a hole, email;;;; or
Food drive
United States Postal Service will host the 26th annual Stamp Out Hunger letter carriers’ food drive Saturday, May 12. Residents are asked to place non-perishable food items in a bag by their mailboxes. Letter carriers will pick up the items for delivery to a local food bank.
Chicken stew
American Legion will hold its monthly chicken stew lunch from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Tuesday, May 15, at the American Legion building. Prices: $7 dine in (all you can eat), including stew, drinks and desserts; $7 per quart carryout; containers provided. Dessert carryouts are additional $1 each (two per quart purchased – four desserts maximum). Free delivery within Athens city limits to businesses or to homebound; call 256-230-6233 from 8 a.m.-noon Monday, May 14, or 8 a.m.-noon Tuesday, May 15, to reserve carryout orders.
Ride the wave
Deadline is Tuesday, May 15, to turn in applications for membership on the Limestone County Democratic Party Executive Committee to the Limestone County Democratic Party. Must be an active Democrat and registered to vote in Limestone County. Contact Gordon Niessen, 256-998-2244.
Felder Rushing lunch
The TIE Foundation will host the “Felder Rushing: Gardener Extraordinaire” lunch at 11:30 a.m. Thursday, May 17, at the Beasley Center at 108 W. Bryan St. in Athens. Tickets are $25. More information: 256-497-8231 or 256-232-0323. The Tie Foundation is a nonprofit organization that provides assistance and support to foster children and foster parents.
The Limestone Sheriff’s Rodeo Parade will be 11 a.m. Saturday, May 12, at the Limestone Sheriff’s Rodeo Arena off Alabama 99. Parade lineup is at 10. More information at Limestone County Sheriff’s Office: 256-232-0111.
Preston’s Western Wear Rodeo Kickoff will be 5-7 p.m. Monday, May 14, at Preston’s off U.S. 72 in Athens. Free activities include: kids day, horseback rides, pace painting. More information at Limestone County Sheriff’s Office: 256-232-0111.
Street dance
A street dance and western fashion show will be 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 15, on the east side of the Limestone County Courthouse Square in Athens. More information at Limestone County Sheriff’s Office: 256-232-0111.
Rodeo slack event begins at 9 a.m. Thursday, May 17, at the Limestone Sheriff’s Rodeo Arena off Alabama 99 in Athens. Cost is $5. Gates open at 8 a.m. More information at Limestone County Sheriff’s Office: 256-232-0111.
The annual Limestone Sheriff’s Rodeo begins at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday, May 18-19, at the Limestone Sheriff’s Rodeo Arena off Alabama 99 in Athens. Cost is $15 for adults, $10 for children ages 12 and under. Gates open at 6 p.m. More information at Limestone County Sheriff’s Office: 256-232-0111.
• Garden biz. Athens Garden Club meets at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, May 9, at Tanner Baptist Church to install officers for the coming year and present scholarships to two local seniors. This is the final meeting until September 2018.
• Beekeepers. Limestone County Beekeepers Association meets at 6 p.m. Thursday, May 12, at the Limestone County Water Authority building at 17218 U.S. 72 West in Athens.
• Master Gardeners. Limestone County Master Gardeners Association will hold its May meeting 1:30 p.m. Monday, May 14, at the Limestone County Cooperative Extension Office on Market Street, Athens. Social time, 12:30 p.m. Speaker Rick Pressnell will speak about garden hacks at 1 p.m. Public welcome. More information: 256-614-3530.
• Al-Anon. Al-Anon group meets at 7 p.m. Mondays at Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Rogersville. An time for relatives and friends of alcoholics and other addicts to share their experiences, thoughts and support to solve common problems. More information: Call Sue Vial at 256-762-5977.
Limestone Ledger is a community calendar in which nonprofit organizations can notify the public of events. Items will run as space allows until the day of the event and should be submitted at least one week prior to the event for best results. Email submissions to, fax to 256-233-7753 or bring to The News Courier, 410 W. Green St., Athens.