Alabama Human Life Protection Act now enforced
Following up on the governor’s statement this morning regarding Roe being overturned and following Judge Myron Thompson’s decision to dissolve the preliminary injunction on the Alabama Human Life Protection Act, Governor Ivey issued the following reaction:
“As I said, this is a historic day, and I could not be more proud as a governor, a Christian and a woman to see this misguided and detrimental decision overturned. This afternoon, the federal court did for the state of Alabama what the U.S. Supreme Court did for the entire nation: It returned the decision-making authority to the proper body. I am pleased to see the process move forward so that we can now enforce the Alabama Human Life Protection Act here in our state, which honors both the constitution and the rule of law. Alabama will continue standing up for our unborn babies, our mothers and our families.” – Governor Kay Ivey