Letters to the Editor for 8/4/18
The News Courier encourages letters to the editor. Submissions should be no more than 400 words and include name, address and telephone number for verification. Submissions that do not meet requirements are subject to editing. Writers are limited to one published letter every 30 days. Send letters to P.O. Box 670, Athens AL 35613 or email to adam@athensnews-courier.com. The deadline for letters is Thursday at noon.
Alabama slammer
Dear Editor:
I’m writing from Oregon to point out to the citizens of Alabama why the rest of here in the United States look with wonder and sadness at Alabama as a black hole of human decency so that you all might’n to better understand how right wing white male conservatism is simply another term for clinical psychopathy.
The woman murdered (in the July 1 triple murder on Pinedale Road) was an Oregonian and we take it personally when our people are murdered in morally challenged places, especially when it is essentially a murder facilitated by your own legal system and a judge who did not see it as his duty to protect the innocent.
The entire point of this comment is to seriously anger women and perhaps shed some light on whether this particular mind has the necessary capacity for the position he was handed. I base my right to try to destroy this judge professionally on four years in the Marine Corps and my view of what our collective America should be.
The archaic, white male female abuser, and in this case monstrously chauvinistic behavior resulting directly in the brutal murders of three people just living their lives, it NOT my America.
If your citizens want to continue living in a moral cesspool of self-righteous (expletive deleted) where morality has hardly a shred of morality recognizable to altruistic Americans, your judiciary in the person of Circuit Judge B. Chadwick Wise reflects this perfectly.
Perhaps decency lurks somewhere in your own early development. I invite you to welcome it into the light and point it at this judge because we know intuitively that his behavior is not limited to vulnerable women and that this story is a warning of a diseased individual with an amplified effect upon his victims.
Please clean your house.
William Bjornson
Aloha, Oregon
Apartment opposition
Dear Editor:
Councilman Harold Wales is exactly right to oppose rezoning property on Lindsay Lane to accommodate the construction of 480 apartment units.
When the vote is taken, I hope the entire City Council recognizes the potential problems associated
with such action and joins him in a “no” vote.
Traffic on Lindsay Lane already faces hazards due to the lack of shoulders where vehicles can safely pull off the road. Without substantial road improvements the increase in traffic would heighten the danger.
While growth is important to a community, the impact to its citizens must be considered. Such issues as sewer and water usage, increased vehicle traffic, increased student to teacher ratios in our schools, and increased waiting time at existing hospitals, doctor’s offices, and recreational venues tend to diminish the “quality of life” for citizens. Factors such as these need to be given consideration.
While growth is necessary, the infrastructure required for support is just as critical and should be funded and in place to accommodate the growth.
List me as “opposed.”
Charles Moore Sr.