Debris removal progressing at big Alabama lakes
ASHVILLE, Ala. (AP) — Alabama emergency officials say debris in Lake Neely Henry from the April 27 storms and tornadoes should be removed by Aug. 1.
At a news conference Thursday, Alabama Emergency Management Director Art Faulkner said debris in Lake Logan Martin would be “substantially” removed by the Fourth of July weekend. If not, work on both lakes will stop during the holiday weekend.
The debris removal at Neely Henry is being supervised by the Army Corps of Engineers, working with local contractors.
Wes Trammel, waterway debris mission manager for the Corps of Engineers, says work began this week on the Calhoun County side of the lake, and work is also being done on the St. Clair County side.
Trammel advised boaters to stay about 200 feet from coves because of safety concerns.