Woman hands meth to LCSO deputies, requests it be tested
Published 12:01 pm Thursday, October 3, 2019
- Jennifer Colyne Hall
A distraught woman was arrested Wednesday on drug charges after she asked Limestone County deputies to test her methamphetamine for purity, an official said.
Limestone County Sheriff’s Office deputy and public information officer Stephen Young said deputies responded to the 23000 block of East Limestone Road in Toney after the woman, identified as 48-year-old Jennifer Colyne Hall, called Sheriff’s Office dispatch.
Once on the scene, deputies spoke to Hall’s landlord, who told them Hall lived in a camper at the address. Young said the landlord described her as “acting strangely” and possibly on drugs.
When they went to speak to Hall, Young said she pulled a clear bag containing methamphetamine from a baby wipes container and told them, “I want this dope tested.” Young said Hall believed the meth was possibly tainted with another drug.
“(Deputies) asked her if she had consumed the drug, and she told them she had, but she couldn’t remember when,” Young said.
Hall was then arrested and charged with possession of a controlled substance. She remained Thursday in the Limestone County Jail with bail set at $2,500.