TVA seeks comments on proposed solar farm

Published 6:30 am Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The Tennessee Valley Authority is seeking comments on a proposal to build a solar power plant in Limestone County.

The plant would be built by Cumberland Land Holdings LLC and would occupy 140 acres of a 155-acre tract in northern Limestone County. Specifically, the plant would be located east of Mooresville Road, near an existing TVA-owned Ardmore substation.

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TVA has tentatively approved an agreement to purchase the electricity generated by the proposed 20-megawatt Cumberland Solar Facility for up to 20 years, pending the outcome of the assessment.

The proposed solar facility would be connected to the immediately adjacent substation by an overhead 44-kilovolt power line originating at a new on-site substation near the existing substation. The connecting power line would be constructed and owned by Cumberland Land Holdings LLC and would terminate at a new pole and switch constructed and owned by TVA on the Ardmore substation property.

The draft environmental assessment evaluates the anticipated environmental impacts of the construction and operation of the solar generating facility and associated electrical connection.

Comments on a draft environmental assessment are due by Jan. 21. A PDF of the assessment can be found at

Comments should be sent to Ashley Pilakowski via email at or mailed to Ashley Pilakowski at 400 West Summit Hill Drive, WT 11D, Knoxville, TN 37902.

Any comments received, including names and addresses, will become part of the project administrative record and will be available for public inspection.