Statewide development group honors lawmakers Orr, Collins
Published 1:00 pm Saturday, December 14, 2019
- Rep. Terri Collins
State Senator Arthur Orr, R-Decatur, and Rep. Terri Collins, R-Decatur, were recently recognized as the 2019 Senate and House Leaders of the Year by the Alabama Association of Resource, Conservation and Development Councils, according to a press release.
The recognition occurred during the RC&D annual meeting, held at Guntersville State Park.
“The award is given each year for showing strong leadership and dedication to supporting the conservation of resources while promoting economic and community development growth in Alabama,” the release said.
Orr serves as chairman of the Finance and Taxation and Education Committee, which is responsible for appropriating funding for educational services and programs state and plays an important role in prioritizing spending.
Collins chairs the House Education Policy Committee and also sits on the House Ways and Means Education Budget committee.
Orr recognized AARCD for its outreach efforts across the State of Alabama and the tremendous impact it has on improving overall quality of life. In 2019, RC&D contributed to more than 550 projects, serving over approximately 800,000 citizens.
Orr thanked the AARCD membership for recognizing him and vowed to continue supporting and promoting issues important to RC&D such as work force training, agriculture, water conservation, community and economic development.
“One of the things I’ve always prioritized is keeping my office door open for constituents and other citizens around the State of Alabama to share what’s important to help us grow,” said Orr, “I’m very aware of how important your organization is and how you impact all communities across Alabama.”
Collins also thanked RC&D for its outreach efforts and helping communities by instilling pride and providing the investment that is needed to seed projects in her district and around the State of Alabama.
AARCD AMRV Chairman and Limestone County Commissioner Ben Harrison expressed his gratitude for the longtime support from Orr and Collins, their leadership and commitment to promoting the RC&D mission.
“Both Rep. Collins and Sen. Orr bring a wealth of experience, and have a track record of sound decision-making. Each stays very close to issues that are important to Alabamians,” Harrison said. “We wanted to show them that we appreciate there efforts and are recognizing them both for there outstanding leadership in the state of Alabama. They both know how to get things done.”
The RC&D program was established by the Agriculture Act of 1962 to provide a program that empowers rural people to help themselves. RC&D areas include adjacent counties that have substantial natural resources to use for economic improvement and community betterment.
There are nine RC&D councils throughout the state. RC&D Councils in Alabama are non-profit, tax-exempt organizations within the state that are designated 501(c) entities by the Internal Revenue Service.
RC&D Councils are made up of citizens in an RC&D area who want a better life for themselves, their children, and future generations. RC&D Council representatives and alternates are volunteers who assist RC&D.
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