Limestone County School Board approves consent agenda

Published 2:33 pm Wednesday, June 14, 2023

The Limestone County School Board held a work session and regular meeting on Tuesday, June 13.

At the work session, chief school financial officer Kim Hubbard gave the board an update about FY23 and FY24 LEA Unit breakdown which was just released by the Alabama Department of Education. Hubbard said because the numbers were just released they have not yet factored how any changes could affect the board’s budget at this time. They just wanted to take the opportunity to go ahead and get the preliminary numbers in the board’s hands. The official numbers will be released around the start of the FY24 school year. A PDF of the 2023 LEA units are available online at

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There were three agenda items up for discussion. All were approved.

  • Linewize Classwize and School Manager to Provide Classroom Management, ClPA-Compliant Content Filtering and Cyber Safety on All Student Accounts and Devices at a Total Cost of $55,360.00 (Funding Source: ARP ESSER Reserve)
  • Closure of Two Dormant Bank Accounts at PNC Bank
  • September 2023 — May 2024 Board Meeting/Board Work Session Schedule

The board approved the following consent agenda items.

  • Approval of Minutes
  • May 9, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes
  • May 26, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes
  • Overnight Trips
  • Ardmore High School
  • Volleyball team to travel to Samford University in Birmingham, AL on July 24-25, 2023 for volleyball camp
  • Choir/Theatre members to travel to New York City on March 25-29, 2024 to sing and act in different venues in the city
  • Elkmont High School
  • Girls Basketball team to travel to Birmingham Southern on June 22-23, 2023 to compete in team camp
  • Rejection of Bid
  • Career Technical Center — CNC Router
  • Approval to Bid
  • Child Nutrition Program — Chemical Services and Training of Employees in the Areas of Food Safety and Sanitation as Necessary (Bid through North Central Alabama Cooperative Buying Group)
  • Acceptance of Bid
  • Career Technical Center
  • 911 Dispatch Trainer with Monitor Role Players and Casualty Simulation Kit for Public Safety Academy from Learning Labs, Inc. at a Cost of $45,765.01
  • Middle Grades Career and Technical Education “We Build It Better” Expansion Kit with Consumable Supplies from Alabama Aviation Education Center at a Cost of $40,779.00
  • Resin 3D Printer from Tequipment, Inc. at a Cost of $18,390.00
  • Child Nutrition Program — AirCare Systems for Preventative Maintenance and Repair Services for CNP Equipment on As-Needed Basis (Funding Source: Federal Funds)
  • Property No Longer Needed for Public School Purposes
  • Curriculum Department — English Language Arts Wonders Textbooks (Purchased in 2013)
  • School Agreements and Other Items
  • Clements High School — Schoolwide Agreement with hudl
  • Districtwide Agreements and Other Items
  • Agreement between LCBoE and Community Action Partnership of North Alabama to Provide Special Education Services to Preschool Age Children during the 2023-2024 school year at the Following Schools: Cedar Hill Elementary, Piney Chapel Elementary, and Tanner Elementary
  • Agreement between LCBoE and Community Action Partnership of North Alabama for Limestone County Schools Child Nutrition Program to Provide Meals to the Head Start Programs during the 2023-2024 School Year at the Following Schools: Cedar Hill Elementary, Piney Chapel Elementary, and Tanner Elementary
  • Bank Reconciliations and Financials
  • April 2023 Bank Reconciliations and Financials
  • District Purchases and Renewals
  • General Fund
  • Annual Renewal of Cognia Platform for the District and Local Schools at a Total Cost of $19,200.00 from Cognia, Inc. for the 2023-2024 School Year
  • Purchase of Intercom System at Creekside Elementary and Creekside Primary at a Total Cost of $87,377.00 from Ambit Solutions to Replace Current System
  • Renewal of Frontline Education for Absence and Substitute Management System at a Cost of $25,305.31
  • Renewal of Annual Compliance Director Subscription at a Cost of $4,032.00 through Pioneer RESA for Access to and Record Keeping of All Annual Mandatory Training for District Employees
  • Purchase of Physical Servers from R.J. Young at a Cost of $303,454.90
  • Federal Funds
  • Agreement with Bailey Education Group, LLC at a Cost of $46,000.00 to Provide Leadership Development Opportunities through the Aspiring Administrator Academy and the Capstone Leadership Project
  • Purchase of Read 180 for Students at Tanner High School at a Total Cost of $59,954.85 Using District Title I Funds ($30,000.00) and Tanner High School Title I Funds ($29,954.85)
  • Purchase of (25) 13-Inch MacBook Air Laptops for Special Education Department Teachers at a Cost of $779.00 Per Device for a Total Cost of $19,475.00
  • Purchase of Items to Replace the Old Serving Line at Ardmore High School Lunchroom at a Total Cost of $64,274.11
  • Local School Purchases and Renewals
  • Clements High School — Resurfacing of New Gym Floor by Hughes Flooring Designs at a Cost of $30,000 to be paid for by the Girls and Boys Basketball Teams

There were a number of personnel items passed by the board as well. All of those can be found online at

A. Job Description

1. School-Based Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant (COTA)

2. K-5 Math Coach

B. New Positions

1. Two Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant (COTA)

2. Nine Behavior Technicians placed at Elementary Schools

3. Two Gifted Teachers

4. Two English Learner (EL) Teachers

5. Five additional 6th grade teachers, Ardmore, Clements, East Limestone, Tanner High, and West Limestone

6. Itinerant Interpreter/Tutor for Hearing Impaired Students, Johnson Elementary

7. Four local school K-5 Math Coaches

C. Resignations

1. Haley Newton, Teacher, Tanner Elementary School, retroactive to May 30, 2023

2. Rachel Thacker, Summer SOAR Teacher ONLY, Blue Springs Elementary

3. Carly White, Teacher, Cedar Hill Elementary, retroactive to May 26, 2023

4. Paul McBroom, Itinerant Special Education Instructional Assistant, Johnson Elementary School, retroactive to May 31, 2023

5. Julie Hosier, Administrator, Limestone County Schools, effective June 23, 2023

6. Katie Clark, Middle School Counselor, Elkmont High School, retroactive to June 9, 2023

7. Aiden McKenzie, 21st CCLC Student Assistant, Sugar Creek Elementary, retroactive to May 25, 2023

8. Jessica Kirchner, Itinerant Special Education Pre-School Teacher, Blue Springs Elementary, retroactive to May 30, 2023

9. Jacob Siefert, Robotics Camp ONLY

10. Morgan Ellis, Bus Driver, Transportation, retroactive to June 1, 2023

11. Monica Newby, Teacher, Creekside Elementary, retroactive to June 5, 2023

D. Contracts

1. Reagan Persell, Summer SOAR Receptionist, Sugar Creek Elementary, paid $10.00 per hour, not to exceed $800.00, retroactive to May 31- June 29, 2023

2. Teresa Hill, Parent Liaison, Tanner Elementary School, not to exceed $3,600, effective June 14- July 20, 2023

3. Kelsie Boley, Summer Receptionist, Tanner High School, paid $10.00 per hour, not to exceed $1,600, retroactive to June 1- July 31, 2023

4. Lisa Vernon, Kindergarten Camp Teacher, Piney Chapel, paid $30.00 per hour, not to exceed $420.00 effective July 24- July 25, 2023

5. Sofia Sachs, Kindergarten Camp Teacher, Piney Chapel Elementary, paid $30.00 per hour, not to exceed $420, effective July 24- July 25, 2023

6. April Wilson, Kindergarten Camp Aide, Piney Chapel, paid $15.00 per hour, not to exceed $210, effective July 24- July 25, 2023

7. Dana Bass, Intervention Teacher, Elkmont Elementary School, addendum to contract, no additional funds, effective August 4- August 31, 2023

8. Casey Sheahan, Summer SOAR Receptionist, Creekside Primary, paid $10.00 per hour, not to exceed $1,600, retroactive to June 5- July 31, 2023

9. Lera Letasha Posey, Summer SOAR Instructional Assistant, Sugar Creek Elementary, paid $15 per hour, not to exceed $1,590, retroactive to May 31- June 29, 2023

10. Sugar Creek Elementary School, Kindergarten Camp Teacher, paid $30 per hour, not to exceed $375, effective June 26, 2023- June 28, 2023

a. Mitzi Woodfin

b. Katherine Sanchez

c. Ceara Johnson

d. Mary Beth Craig

e. Paige Curtis

f. Lindsay Camp

g. Kelsi Rorex

h. Kimberly Thompson

i. Caila Davis

j. Hannah Taylor

11. Jenny Moss, Summer SOAR Instructional Assistant, Sugar Creek Elementary, paid $15 per hour, not to exceed $1,590, retroactive to May 31- June 29, 2023

12. Kennedy Dollar, Summer Receptionist, East Limestone High School, paid $10 per hour, not to exceed $1,600, retroactive to May 31- July 31, 2023

13. Ramona Kephart, Reading Specialist, Tanner Elementary, paid five additional days at daily rate of pay, retroactive to May 31- July 29, 2023

14. Ashlyn Brackeen, Kindergarten Camp Instructional Assistant, Sugar Creek Elementary, paid $15 per hour, not to exceed $188, effective June 26- June 28, 2023

15. Summer School Math Teachers, Owens, paid $30.00 per hour, not to exceed $3,600, retroactive to June 5-June 29, 2023 ( List Attached)

16. Dana Trockenbrot, Instructional Coach, Creekside Primary, paid $30 per hour, not to exceed 115 hours

17. Part Time Summer Robotics Student Assistants, paid $9 per hour, not to exceed $495, retroactive to May 31- June 15, 2023 (List Attached)

18. ESY Instructional Assistant, Matthew James Conner, III, retroactive to June 5, 2023

19. Summer Bus Aides, paid $25.50 per trip, not to exceed $765, retroactive to May 31- June 29, 2023

a. Susan Mitchell

b. Jessica Roach

c. Miranda Wilkerson

20. Summer Bus Driver, paid $45 per trip, not to exceed $1,440, retroactive to May 31- June 29, 2023

a. Peggy Frost

b. Barry Ferguson

c. Randy Moore

d. Tracy Jackson

e. Laura Willingham

f. Stephen Fudge

21. Leslie Leon, Summer SOAR Student Assistant, Tanner Elementary, paid $9 per hour, not to exceed $954, retroactive to May 31- June 29, 2023

22. Ramona Kephart, Summer SOAR Teacher, Tanner Elementary, paid $30 per hour, not to exceed $3,360, retroactive to May 1- June 29, 2023

23. Matthew Conner, Jr., Summer SOAR Bus Aide, paid $25.50 per trip, not to exceed $765, retroactive to May 31- June 29, 2023

24. Angela Schiff, Special Education Administrator, Central Office, paid daily rate for 7 days, retroactive to June 1- July 28, 2023

E. Transfers

1. Position Only- Itinerant Instructional Assistant from Johnson Elementary School to Ardmore High School, effective 2023-2024 school year

2. Itinerant Instructional Assistant Position and Nicole Fuqua from Elkmont High School to Elkmont Elementary School, effective 2023-2024 school year

3. Madeline Donna, Itinerant Speech Language Pathologist from Elkmont Elementary School to Elkmont Elementary School and Elkmont High School, effective 2023-2024 school year

4. Itinerant Instructional Assistant Position and Lindsay Scott from Tanner Elementary School to East Limestone High School, effective 2023-2024 school year

5. Position Only- Itinerant Instructional Assistant from Blue Springs Elementary to Clements High School, effective 2023-2024 school year

6. Position Only- Itinerant Pre-K Special Education Teacher, Blue Springs Elementary to Itinerant Pre-K Speech Language Pathologist, Johnson Pre-K, and Tanner Headstart, effective 2023-2024 school year

7. Position Only- Itinerant Instructional Assistant position from Tanner High School to Tanner Elementary School, effective 2023-2024 school year

8. Felicia Downs, Itinerant Speech Language Pathologist from Creekside Primary to Creekside Primary and East Limestone High School, effective 2023-2024 school year

9. Position Only- Itinerant Instructional Assistant, Sugar Creek Elementary to Piney Chapel Elementary, effective 2023-2024 school year

10. Jackie Kimbro, Itinerant Speech Language Pathologist, Cedar Hill Elementary and Johnson Elementary to Cedar Hill Elementary, effective 2023-2024 school year

11. Annessa Jenkins, Library Media Specialist, Elkmont High School, to Library Media Specialist, East Limestone High School, replacing Kathy Mathis, effective July 28, 2023

12. Jonathan Hicks, ACCESS Facilitator, Clements High School, to Teacher, Clements High School, replacing Marisa Szlachta, effective July 28, 2023

13. Louise Campbell, Instructional Supervisor, Elkmont High School, to Teacher, Elkmont Elementary, effective July 1, 2023

F. New Personnel

1. Ardmore High School

a. Cherish Hamner, P.E. Teacher, replacing William O’Donnell, effective July 1, 2023

2. Blue Springs Elementary School

a. Holley Boldin, Teacher, replacing Stacy Moss, effective July 28, 2023

b. Cheyenne Leach, Title 1 Teacher, replacing Kayla Martin’s Title 1 unit, effective July 28, 2023

3. Clements High School

a. Claudia Thigpen, Itinerant Special Needs Nurse, replacing Hannah Cobb, effective July 28, 2023

b. William Allen, Teacher, Clements High School, replacing Landon Bradley, effective July 28, 2023

c. Alexander Toll, Title 1 Teacher, replacing Kristina Dubyk, effective July 28, 2023

4. Cedar Hill Elementary School

a. Collin Jackson, Teacher, replacing Carly White, effective July 28, 2023

b. Melissa Woodard, Teacher, replacing employee on long term leave, effective July 28, 2023

5. Creekside Primary School

a. Leigh Ann Carter, Teacher, replacing Kristina Jones, effective July 28, 2023

6. East Limestone High School

a. Manley Carpenter, Teacher, replacing employee on long term leave, effective July 28, 2023

b. Michael Cain, Custodian, replacing Monte Sittre, retroactive to June 6, 2023

7. Elkmont High School

a. Jill Beddingfield, Receptionist, replacing Gina Miller, effective July 28, 2023

b. Michael Tinker, Teacher, replacing Matthew Smith, effective date July 28, 2023

c. Hunter Rogers, Agriscience Teacher, replacing Brianne Hargrove, effective July 28, 2023

8. Sugar Creekside Elementary School

a. Steven Gatlin, Custodian, replacing Barry Moley, retroactive to June 1, 2023

9. Tanner Elementary School

a. Emma Holland, Teacher, replacing Leah Cottles, effective July 28, 2023

b. Marisa Szlachta, Teacher, replacing Jennifer Long, effective July 28, 2023

c. Ryann Cuevas, Teacher, replacing Andrew Marlin, effective July 28, 2023

d. Erica Mahaley Palmer, Teacher, replacing Haley Newton, effective July 28, 2023

10. Tanner High School

a. Kathy Slayton, Art Teacher, effective July 28, 2023

b. Bonita Cothren, Teacher, replacing Geri Lozada, effective July 28, 2023

11. West Limestone High School

a. Jaret Britt, Business Ed Teacher, replacing Tobie Craig, (who transferred to 6th grade position) effective July 1, 2023

b. Anthony Patrick Taylor, Itinerant Special Education Instructional Assistant, replacing Brady Clay, effective July 28, 2023

c. CORRECTION: Nissi Clingan, F.A.C.S. Teacher, board approved hire date June 1, 2023, should be July 28, 2023

12. Special Education Department

a. Dr. Patricia Austin, Director of Special Education, replacing Melissa Reynolds, effective June 20, 2023

b. Riddhi Vora, Itinerant Speech Language Pathologist, Johnson Elementary School and Piney Chapel School, replacing Daja Suttles, effective July 28, 2023

c. Laurel Peek, Itinerant Speech Language Pathologist, Johnson Elementary Pre-K and Tanner Headstart, replacing Jessica Kirchner, effective July 28, 2023

G. Leaves of Absence

1. Audrey Fox, Itinerant Special Education Instructional Assistant, Tanner Elementary, effective August 14- December 8, 2023

2. Sarah Cotter, Teacher, Ardmore High School, Leave in Lieu of Sick Leave, 17 days

H. Stipends

1. After-School Staff, 2nd semester 2022-2023 school year, who missed two or fewer days, $750.00

2. 9 month and 10 month employees ( outside of contract days) who complete district required Summer Professional Development Trainings, $150 per day and $75.00 per half day

3. Summer Robotics Student Assistants, $250, complete all four days of Robotics Camp

4. Summer Robotics Teachers, $350, complete all four days of Robotic Camp

I. Supplements

1. Elkmont Elementary School, 2023-2024 school year (List Attached)

2. Tanner High School, 2023-2024 school year (List Attached)

3. Yoneka Pride, District Special Olympics Coordinator, paid $1,000, 2022-2023 school year

J. Volunteers

1. Clements High School, Band Volunteers, Cheyenne Leach and Matthew Siegmund, effective 2023-2024 school year

2. Elkmont Elementary Volunteers, effective 2023-2024 school year

a. Megan Gilbert

b. Brandy Hicks

c. Elizabeth Montgomery

d. Mary Murrah

e. Amber Robinson

f. Courtney Whitworth

3. Tanner High School, Volunteer Coaches, effective 2023-2024 school year

a. Eddrick Malone

b. Timothy Townsend

c. Marlon Lucas

d. Tavaris Townsend

e. Jastin Allen

f. Justin Lewis