FIRST in Alabama offers expansive opportunities to get involved
Published 11:03 am Wednesday, February 15, 2023
As FIRST continues to expand throughout Athens-Limestone and North Alabama there continues to be a need for event volunteers.
“FIRST in Alabama is always looking for event volunteers,” Program Delivery Partner Taylor Whisenant said. “Our volunteers are the lifeblood of the FIRST program. With their help, we are inspiring students in all grades to become leaders and innovators through high-quality robotics programs!”
Most events take place late fall through April.
“We typically have FIRST LEGO League Challenge Qualifiers in November-January and the FIRST LEGO League Alabama Championship in January-February. We typically have FIRST Tech Challenge Scrimmages in November-February and the FIRST Tech Challenge Alabama Championship in February-March,” Whisenant explained.
She went on to say, “FIRST Robotics Competition has a Kickoff event in January, and the FIRST Robotics Competition Rocket City Regional is a three-day event in usually March-April. We host our FIRST LEGO League Explore Alabama Festival on the Saturday of the FIRST Robotics Competition Rocket City Regional so that is also March-April.”
FIRST in Alabama is a volunteer driven organization, so the need for willing participants is always a given.
“Even in my role as the FLL Program Delivery Partner, I am 100 percent a volunteer. Our events would not happen without volunteers,” Whisenant said.
It takes a variety of volunteers to safely and successfully carry out a FIRST event. Events can require anywhere from 20 to 100 volunteers, depending on what the program and event entails.
All volunteers are required to undergo a free background check as part of FIRST’s Youth Protection Policy. This part of registration can take a few days to complete, so participants should sign up at least a week or two before an event.
“Even sooner helps our event managers with planning,” Whisenant said.
To register to volunteer, visit and click “start volunteer registration.
If you have questions regarding signing up to volunteer, visit or email
The following volunteer positions are available at FIRST events:
Alumni & Scholarship Attendant, Awards Assistant, Control System Advisor, Crowd Control, Field Assembly/Disassembly, Field Repair/Reset, Field Supervisor, FIRST Technical Advisor, FIRST Technical Advisor Assistant, Game Announcer, Head Referee, Inspection Manager, Judge, Judge Advisor, Judge Advisor Assistant, Lead Robot Inspector, Lead Safety Advisor, Lead Safety Glasses Attendant, Lead Team Queuer, Machine Shop Attendant, Machine Shop Staff, Master of Ceremonies, Master of Ceremonies Assistant, Official Scorer, Pit Administration Supervisor, Pit Administration Support, Pit Announcer, Practice Field Attendant, Referee, Robot Inspector, Safety Advisor, Safety Glasses Attendant, Scorekeeper, Spare Parts Attendant, Student Ambassador, Student Ambassador Coordinator, Team Load-In/Out Attendant, Team Load-In/Out Manager, Team Queuing, Team Social Attendant, VIP Media Check-In Table Volunteer Coordinator, Volunteer Lounge Monitor, Volunteer Registration Assistant, Volunteer Registration Supervisor, Webcast Operator (not available at all events), Welcome Table Attendant