LCS TEACHER OF THE YEAR: Alabama Connection Academy’s Brittany Lee
Published 2:08 pm Wednesday, November 29, 2023
- Brittany Lee.
Every year, each elementary and secondary school in the county selects a teacher of the year from their school. The News Courier will be publishing a few facts about each of the 2023 LCS teachers of the year during the next few weeks.
Name: Brittany Lee
School: Alabama Connections Academy
Grade(s) taught: 6th
Subject(s) taught: Math
Degrees & Granting Institutions, Special Certifications and/or Training:
- Alabama State Department of Education
- Class AA Middle School Math (4-8) and Educational Administrator License
- William Carey University
- M.Ed — Master of Education Degree
- Ed.S — Education Specialist Degree
- Class AAA Ele Edu (4-6) and Non-Practicing Administrator License
- The University of Southern Mississippi
- BSBA — Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Degree in Accounting/Mathematics
- Jones County Junior Community College
- A.S. — Associate Degree in Pre-Computer Science
How many years have you been in education? 10.4 years
How many are with Limestone County Schools? 2.4 years
What makes you proud to be an educator? What makes me proud to be an educator is to not only see the success of my former students, but to feel the love from them when I see them around different places. I see their eyes light up when they see me, and then they want to share what is going on in their lives. This fills my heart with joy because it reminds me that I did make a difference in their life because they wanted to stop for a moment just to speak or share a story without being forced to sit at a desk or come to my class. Time is valuable to me, so anytime a present or former student willingly wants to have a chat, I consider it as precious as gold.
What has your experience in the education field taught you? My experience in the education field has taught me that one size does not fit all. Students come from all different backgrounds, so it’s important to be considerate of that fact. This also correlates with people. We don’t know everyone’s story, unless they tell us of course, so we shouldn’t assume anything but instead be compassionate and willing to make adjustments if necessary.
What do you enjoy most about working for Limestone County Schools? I truly enjoy the working family environment that my school provides. There isn’t one teacher or administrator who is trying to outshine the other, but it’s more about helping one another to be the best that he or she could possibly be. Several schools aren’t afforded the same privilege, so I don’t take it for granted that I can do what I love everyday with the support of our team.
How do your students inspire you? My students have a great sense of humor and no matter how I’m feeling, they always make me laugh or put a smile on my face. This is inspiring to me because it reminds me that I want to reciprocate the same thing for them. Of course I want them to learn from me, but I also want to make them smile or make them laugh because once again, we all come from different backgrounds and environments. It may not be the best day for them, but for the brief time they have with me, I want to be the one that helps them forget about it and enjoy those moments of seeing a friendly smile and sharing a good laugh.
What are your hobbies? I love to dance, watch sports and action movies, travel and spend time with my family.
Favorite Quote:
“If you can’t fly then run.
If you can’t run then walk.
If you can’t walk then crawl.
But whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.”
– Martin Luther King Jr.