Commissioners OK purchase of milling machine

Published 6:00 am Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Limestone County Commission on Monday approved spending up to $400,000 on a new milling machine, which officials believe will be an asset for road improvement projects.

The commission approved seeking financing to purchase a Caterpillar PM312 cold planer from Thompson Caterpillar. The commission utilized the Sourcewell joint bid program to procure the equipment.

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At Wednesday’s commission work session, County Engineer Marc Massey said the equipment is needed because the county’s current road maintenance machines are outdated, unreliable and expensive to repair.

The commission also heard from Anthony Quattlebaum with Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions Inc., who answered the commissioners’ questions regarding asphalt emulsions. On Wednesday, District 2 Commissioner Steve Turner sought clarification on what type of emulsions would or would not potentially damage county equipment.

Quattlebaum explained if a commissioner chose to use a fog seal emulsion on a road as opposed to standard asphalt cement, the emulsion tank would just need to be cleaned out between applications to avoid damaging equipment. He said a fog seal has different components, including a “rejuvenator” which turns white, oxidized roads black again. He added it can also be used to seal small cracks.

A drawback to the fog seal method, Quattlebaum explained, is it can take up to three hours before a road is cured and can be reopened to traffic.

Other business

In other business Monday, the commission:

• Rescheduled the commission’s Monday, Aug. 19, meeting to Friday, Aug. 16;

• Authorized a grant application for improvements to the Tanner water system;

• Promoted Zac Mucci to case manager at Limestone County Community Corrections;

• Gave final approval to Addition No. 7 of The Arbors, a 57-lot major subdivision on the north side of Newby Road in District 2;

• Gave preliminary and final approval to Hobbs Road Estates replat of lots 8 and 11, a two-lot minor subdivision on Hobbs Road just off Tillman Mill Road in District 4; and

• Gave preliminary and final approval to Newby Chapel Estates, a three-lot minor subdivision near the corner of Nick Davis and Newby Chapel roads in District 2.