Antler Ridge man takes down ill-tempered snake

Published 6:15 am Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Xenia, the 3-year-old Doberman belonging to Charles Smith of Antler Ridge above the Elk River, flushed out a critter Monday that was more than her match.

Smith said a 5 1/2–foot rattlesnake reared up in striking position at the dog.

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“That boy was waiting,” Smith said. “It was like, ‘y’all come and get me.’”

Smith promptly dispatched the giant snake with a .410-gauge shotgun, separating the serpent’s head from its body and inflicting a gaping wound to the side about a third of the way back.

The snake stretched the complete length of his pickup truck bed when he drove the carcass to The News Courier. Smith and staff counted 12 rattles.

“I’ve killed a bunch of them up here, but never any this big,” Smith said.

Xenia the Doberman was not injured in the fray.