Limestone County School Board recognizes scholars bowl winners
Published 7:00 pm Friday, April 14, 2023
- East Limestone's Ava Hewlett is the top scorer from the LCS Scholars Bowl Competition for middle schools.
The Limestone County School Board and Superintendent Randy Shearouse recognized the 2023 LCS Scholars Bowl Competition winners at Tuesday’s meeting. The competition included students from the elementary and middle school levels.
Elementary winners
Easton Gough (Sugar Creek Elementary) coached by Jessica Cummins- high scorer
First place team- Johnson Elementary
Wesley Hampton (captain), Hazel Hogan, Case Hampton, Carson Bowers, Maya Welch, Jonah Ferrell, and Samuel Hatchett, April Haney (coach)
Second place team- Sugar Creek Elementary
Easton Gough (captain), Evelyn Warner, Nick Jones, Braelynn Rea, Holt Wilkerson, Bradley Romine, Josie Sherrill, Ellie Craig, Russell Gordon, Jessica Cummins (coach)
Third place team- Cedar Hill Elementary
Cameron Morris (captain), Mason Weatherford, Everleigh Ford, Gabriella Adams, Ainsley Thomas, Luke Hodges, Emma Rose Berry, William Betterton, Jimmie Lam, Shaeli Tyler, Jennifer King (coach)
Middle School winners
Ava Hewlett (East Limestone High School) coached by Jessica Haywood
First place team- East Limestone High School
Jameson Loesch (captain), Ava Hewlett, Abby Kate Reyburn, Adam Sheriff, Brayden Bailey, Kate Schreiner, Easton Horner, Lily Reyburn, Ava McFarlin, Cassidy Loesch, Jessica Haywood (coach)
The Limestone County School Board approved the following agenda items.
Overnight trips
• Career technical Center HVAC & Refrigeration Program students to travel to Mobile, AL on April 24-26, 2023, for SkillsUSA State Conference.
• Johnson Elementary School fifth grade students to travel to Washington, DC, on Nov. 6-10, 2023, to tour the Nation’s Capitol.
Districtwide Purchases and renewals
• Furniture for Tanner High School (250 desks and chairs), West Limestone (six chairs and table for library), Ardmore High School (1,100 student desks and chairs), and East Limestone High School (289 student desks and chairs) at a total cost of $481,960.37.
• Replacement of the fence on the east side of the football field at east limestone High School by Huntsville Fence at a cost of $13,278.
• Purchase and installation of vape sensors in bathrooms at all high schools, Career Technical Center, and Owens Campus at a total cost of $132,784 from Danmark Communication & Security.
Other business
The board approved a Memorandum of Understanding between the Limestone County Board of Education and the Limestone County Commission for construction consisting of widening and adding additional turn lanes to State Road 127 from Bob Jones Parkway to Upper Fort Hampton Road.