Limestone County Commission August 1

Published 2:00 pm Tuesday, August 2, 2022

The Limestone County Commission met Monday morning with a very light agenda. District 4 Commissioner Ladon Townsend addressed the removal of a caution light at the intersection of Elk River Mill and Tillman Mill Roads during his report.

“The light poles that were holding the caution light were blocking the view of the intersection. I had several people I talked to, some who even had some accidents there, and asked what they thought the cause of the accident was. I talked to the fire department, and they felt it was the poles to those lights. That’s why we made the decision to take that caution light down and put up the new lights that the legislature gave me some money to purchase,” Townsend said.

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He continued, “Hopefully it is going to work and hopefully it will make things better. If not, we will address it after that.” Townsend anticipates that the poles will be removed this week.

Several animal advocates attended the meeting Monday morning to address concerns for the homeless animals and the future of the Athens-Limestone Animal Shelter. Phyllis Condon, a volunteer with the shelter, spoke on behalf of those in attendance.

She suggested that the commissioners take time to tour the animal shelter in hopes of seeing “the desperate need of repairs.” Condon also voiced concerns about the current shelter contract being up at the end of December.

“I suggest a short term lease for now, and since COVID caused a lot of businesses to close, I believe there should be plenty of options around for us to use an existing building to be repurposed to the needs of the animals,” Condon said.

The current contract for animal control services is with Dr. Robert Pittman.

The Limestone County Commission also approved the following business items Monday morning.

  • A resolution authorizing a civil action against a premise located on Porter Road and Bean Road according to the Junk and Debris Act.
  • Work Squad agreements between Limestone County Districts 3 and 4 and the Alabama Department of Corrections.
  • A contract addendum between Limestone County and Rogers Group, Inc., for the following bids:
  • crushed limestone- picked up
  • crushed limestone- delivered
  • plant mix- picked up and delivered
  • asphalt plant mix- laid in place
  • Award bid to Printers & Stationers for Privilege License forms for 2022-2023 for the License Commission in the amount of $399.
  • Promote Erin Tyler to Transitional Real Property Appraiser trainee, effective August 1, 2022.
  • Transfer Laura Then from Revenue Clerk to Appraisal Clerk, effective August 1, 2022.
  • Hire Tina Hendrix as a Revenue Clerk.
  • Hire Melissa Calvert as Probate Clerk I in the office of the Judge of Probate.

Engineer’s report

  • Preliminary and final approval for Salem-Minor Hill Road Estates, a minor subdivision, in District 4 creating 2 lots located approximately 425’ south of Short Cut Road intersection.
  • Preliminary and final approval for Henderson Lane Estates, a minor subdivision, to replat Lot 6 creating one new lot in District 2 located at 29148 Henderson Lane, Madison, Ala.
  • Preliminary and final approval for Mullins Subdivision, a minor subdivision, creating 2 lots in District 1 located at 28156 Nuke Whitt Lane, Ardmore, Ala.
  • Preliminary and final approval for Pointe Westmoreland Subdivision, a minor subdivision, to replat lots 4 and 5 creating 1 lot in District 3 located on Hawkins Drive just south of Nuclear Plant Road intersection.
  • Preliminary and final approval for Short Cut Road Subdivision, a minor subdivision, creating three lots in District 4 located at the intersection of Short Cut Road and Salem-Minor Hill Road.
  • Preliminary approval for Madison Preserve, a major subdivision, creating 268 lots in District 3 located on the north side of Old Hwy 20 approximately 5000’ west of County Line Road intersection.
  • Final approval for Wingate Subdivision Phase II, a major subdivision, creating 67 lots in District 1 located on the east side of Ala. Hwy 251.

The next Limestone County Commission meeting will be held Monday, August 15, 2022, beginning at 9 a.m. at the Clinton Street Courthouse Annex.