Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program: A win-win for growers and seniors

Published 1:21 pm Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program is a win-win for both Alabama growers and seniors. The program provides eligible seniors with fresh, nutritious, and locally grown fruits, vegetables, and herbs from farmers markets and roadside stands.

SeniorsEach senior participant receives $50 on a benefit card to spend on fruits and vegetables from a certified Alabama farmers market or registered roadside stand. Seniors can sign up to receive the benefit card through the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries’ Farmers Market Authority website at

Email newsletter signup

Seniors are encouraged to sign up early in the year. The application becomes available in January of each year, and the FMA will take applications until funds run out. To be eligible, seniors must meet age and income requirements:

— Participants must be 60 years or older on the day of applying and,

— The household income must be 185 percent or lower of the 2023-2024 Federal Poverty Guidelines:

— For a household of one, the income must be less than $2,248 monthly.

— For a household of two, the income must be less than $3,041 monthly.

— For a household of three, the income must be less than $3,833 monthly.

More information on income levels can be found on the FMA website.


Growers can benefit from this program by expanding their markets to farmers markets and roadside stands and capitalizing on the increased demand created by the program. Growers can participate in the program by first obtaining an Alabama Growers Permit and then taking the needed training and completing the paperwork available on the FMA website.

More Information

More information on the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program can be found on the Farmers Market Authority website or by emailing