Children describe their wishes for Athens through art

Published 9:00 am Saturday, December 26, 2020

Students who wish to share Christmas with friends and family, have a litter-free community and see people acting nice and friendly were the top winners in a recent Athens Mayor’s Youth Commission art contest.

The Youth Commission, comprised of high school students, conducts a regular art contest for city and county students based on various themes. Youth Commissioners vote on first place and choose which pieces are displayed in the Art Corner at City Hall.

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Since the community-wide theme for Christmas events this year was “My Christmas Wish,” the Youth Commission decided the art theme would be “My Wish for Athens.” Youth Commissioners asked students to create art pieces that share their hopes and wishes for the city. Entries did not have to include a holiday theme.

There were various art entries with wishes ranging from a water park for Athens to a zoo to wanting snow to build a snowman. The Youth Commissioners chose the following as the top entries:

• First place, McKynna Handley, Athens Renaissance School, fourth grade: A painting showing McKynna’s wish to be with friends and family at Christmas;

• Second place, Karina Alonzo, Athens Intermediate School, fifth grade: A drawing of the Duck Pond showing Karina’s wish for people to stop littering and keep the city beautiful; and

• Third place, Johnston Woodroof, Athens Intermediate School, fourth grade: A drawing of the Limestone County Courthouse in the sun with smiley faces showing Johnston’s wish for everyone to be nice and friendly.

McKynna will receive $15 for winning first place. Youth Commissioners are using part of their Tennessee Valley Authority Cares funding to support the ongoing art contest.

The entries are on display at the Art Corner in the front foyer of City Hall. They will be on display through the winter season.