LEDC highlights growth in Athens and Limestone
Published 6:00 pm Saturday, May 21, 2022
- Bethany Shockney, president of the Limestone County Economic Development Association.
On Tuesday, May 17, the Limestone County Economic Development Association met at the Veterans Museum and Archives to discuss growth and partnerships in Athens and Limestone County.
“One thing that I wanted to point out is we’re having such great success and such challenges at the same time because of our growth and so we want to celebrate that growth. Our population for the county as of the last census was 103,962,” said Bethany Shockney, president of the Limestone Economic Development Association. “So, we were enjoying the 2.8 percent or so growth each year.”
In 2021, Limestone County ranked second place in jobs in Alabama and several local companies were named as expanding industries.
“I would like to point out our most recent numbers for 2021 is over 1000 jobs in Limestone County. We ranked right at the top again, we’re not number one but we are at the top in second place in jobs. $279 million in investment,” said Shockney. “And the companies that were identified for new expanding industries for 2021 are Amazon, Polaris Hasty Logistics, Gregory Industries, Seneca and Wilson Lumber. So, Gregory Industries and Hasty Logistics and Seneca are all three in the city limits of Athens. Then Polaris, Amazon and Wilson are all in the city limits of Huntsville, and Limestone County, so we’re very excited about that, very appreciative of their continued investment.”
Shockney explained LCEDA’s current social media initiatives in their partnership with Blake Williams Communications, LLC.
“The other thing that we are excited about that’s going on with LCEDA is that we launched last year a very aggressive social media effort. I would give 110 percent credit to Blake Williams with Williams Communications for this effort and for supporting us with that,” said Shockney. “We are continuing to try to promote job opportunities successes with our schools, community, anything and everything that we can promote through our social media, whether it’s LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, whatever, we’re continuing to try to keep things in front of people’s face to understand what all is going on in Athens.”
Earlier this month, LEDC and other community partners announced a new Economic Development Alliance.
“We just recently celebrated a partnership called Economic Development Alliance. That alliance was something that we all sat around the table and said, look, we’re always working together with several things. In the month of May after the Economic Development Week which was last week, we also had Tourism Week, we had World Trade Week, Small Business Week, all occurring in May. So Limestone County, City of Athens Tourism Department, Ardmore chamber, Athens-Limestone Chamber and Athens Main Street and myself all came together,” said Shockney. “We had a proclamation announcing that alliance and how important it is for us to work together. So I appreciate all of those partners and the things that we’re continuing to work towards.”
The alliance will continue to highlight key places, businesses, organizations and constituents who make the Athens and Limestone communities a great place to live, work and explore, according to a press statement.