Honoring Helen
Published 6:00 pm Wednesday, December 28, 2022
When friends and family of Helen Greenhaw gathered at Applebee’s in September to celebrate her 80th birthday, they never imagined that it would be the last time. Helen Greenhaw passed away unexpectedly in October. Her friends and family gathered Tuesday, at two separate locations, to honor her remarkable legacy and, of course, her signature black shirt and red lipstick.
Helen’s family gathered for lunch Tuesday in Warrior for a candle-lighting while, at the same time, her dearest friends gathered at the last place they had gathered with Helen, Applebee’s. The ladies all honored Helen by donning a nice black blouse and perfect red lipstick – something Helen was rarely, if ever, seen without.
In Warrior, Helen’s three daughters, two sisters and three nieces came together to honor her.
“I was just trying to think of a way to honor sister and best friend,” Helen’s sister Linda Morton said. Helen’s oldest daughter Sparkle Greenhaw also credits the idea to wear black along with red lipstick to Morton.
Morton’s daughter Christa Bell said, “Mom was wanting to do something special and unique to honor her sister so she thought of lighting the candle for her and all the ladies wearing red lipstick. I suggested we also wear black since Helen was always so dressed up and put together like a true southern lady. I know who would love this idea and I know she is smiling down on us.”
In Athens, almost a dozen of Helen’s best friends met for a meal at Applebee’s. At the end, they shared an order of Sugar Dusted Donut Dippers, leaving one for Helen.
Kay Burlingame, one of Helen’s dearest friends, met Helen almost 60 years ago at a party. Helen was serving guests and she recommended the green pea salad to Kay. From that, a beautiful friendship emerged.
“It was Helen’s sister Linda who called me and told me they were going to do this at their family get-together,” Kay Burlingame said. “I just thought we would go back to Applebee’s. The same group who was there for her birthday party, we had lunch and afterwards, we all took long stem matches and lit a big candle for her. We had a prayer and all held hands around our big candle and just had a big laugh. It was lots of fun and fond memories we all shared.”
Kay said, “All the ladies dressed in black with red lipstick. It was fun. It was very special. I kept saying, ‘Helen would do this and Helen would do that’ and we’d have had good pictures if Helen had been there. We had a fun time or as fun as it can be without our dear friend.”
“She was a very special and very dear person. God made her very special and we were really all very privileged to know Helen Miller Greenhaw,” Kay said.