Commission, Buc-ee’s give back
Published 7:00 pm Friday, August 18, 2023
- District 4 Commissioner LaDon Townsend talks at the Limestone County Commission meeting Friday, Aug. 18, 2023, about donating money, received from Buc-ee’s, to local organizations.
Several local organizations are getting a little help thanks to Buc-ee’s and the Limestone County Commission.
“When Buc-ee’s came here, they gave $15,000 back to the community and I decided I would let the four commissioners decide what to do with this,” Chairman Collin Daly said.
District 1 Commissioner Daryl Sammet chose the Foundation on Aging and the Make A Way Foundation to donate his portion. Each will receive $1,875.
District 2 Commissioner Danny Barksdale selected the East Limestone Fire Department to receive $3,750.
District 3 Commissioner Derrick Gatlin selected the Limestone Career Tech Public Safety Academy to receive $3,750.
District 4 Commissioner LaDon Townsend selected 4-H to receive $3,750.
“I want to thank the chairman for the Buc-ee’s money. It was a pretty hard decision for us to come up with who each one of us was going to give our money to. It’s good that we have Buc-ee’s to allow us to do this because we have some really great organizations here and hopefully next year, we will continue on and we’ll spread this out again,” Townsend said.
A larger than usual crowd was in attendance for Friday morning’s meeting, most with an interest in the proposed changes to the County’s subdivision regulations. Limestone resident and owner of Athens Land Surveying Company Thomas Mitchell addressed the Commission about concerns he has with the one of the proposed changes dealing with lot sizes.
“The new subdivision regulations will seriously hurt the small property owner because if will greatly restrict their ability to market and sell their property. The new regulations seem to be predicated on maintaining safe stopping distance between driveways,” he said. “To require property to have the same sight distance between driveways on a long stretch of open highway that you require for property under a hill or around a blind curve is not in line with common practice.”
Daly encouraged public comments and suggestions as the commission continues to discuss the proposed subdivision regulations. A public hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, September 5, 2023 at 9 a.m. at the next commission meeting.
County engineering Marc Massey thanked the public for their comments and feedback regarding the changes.
“What I presented might not be perfect but I had to start somewhere so I appreciate all feedback. I am working on some revisions to what was presented based on that feedback and I hope to have something to present to you as far as potential revisions,” Massey said.
Contracts, agreements, and grants
• A contract with Helen Carter to provide services as Interim Director for Council on Aging.
• Participate in the State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program which will be administered through the State of Alabama’s Office of Information Technology to improve the security of cyber infrastructure and the resilience of the services which the county provides the community. Approval of this participation would include the authorization for the Chairman to sign all necessary forms and agreements for same.
• Accept the Emergency Management Performance Sub-award in the amount of $2,266.
• A MOU between the Family Life Center and the Limestone County Commission for the service period beginning Oct. 1, 2023, through Sept. 30, 2024.
• Application for Rural Surface Transportation Grant at a 20 percent match.
• Application for Justice Assistance Grant at a zero percent match.
Award bids
• Award financing to First National Bank for the financing of two Kenworth T880 garbage trucks and one Freightliner M2-106 ASL garbage truck for a 60-month term loan with annual payments of principal and interest with the interest rate being at 4.63 percent.
• Business license mail notices and envelopes for the License Commission to DivcoData in the amount of $562.50 and $0.09 for each additional page.
Personnel, policies, and staffing actions
• Hire James Kendrick Atkinson Sr. as a part-time court security officer, effective Aug. 21, 2023, pending a drug screening.
• Amend the staffing plan under “District Three Commissioner” to reflect the following:
• Four equipment operator III
• One equipment operator II
• One equipment operator I
• Hire Tina Martin as a Help Desk Clerk in the License Commission Office.
Engineer’s reports
• Preliminary and final approval for The Points Addition No. 4 replat of lot 34, affecting one lot in District 3 on the south side of Marina Drive just west of the intersection with Two Rivers Drive.
• Preliminary and final approval for Caroline Hills Mini Farms Subdivision replat of Tract 2 creating three lots in District 3 on the south side of High tower Road located east of the intersection with Lucas Ferry Road.
• Preliminary and final approval for Seth Smith Subdivision creating two lots in District 3 on the west side of Carter Road and east side of Brownsferry Road.
• Approved the FY23-24 County Transportation Plan pursuant to the Rebuild Alabama Act. The plan includes the repaving of Oak Grove Road, Nick Davis Road, Pepper Road, Blackburn Road and Cross key Road.
The next Limestone County Commission meeting will be at 9 a.m., Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2023, at the Clinton Street Courthouse Annex.