City Council approves new district map

Published 6:16 pm Monday, May 20, 2024

The Athens City Council voted unanimously to approve a new city district map on Monday evening at City Hall. 

The vote was previously pushed back a week due to issues brought up by members of the public and District 3 Councilman James Lucas at their last meeting on May 13. 

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In today’s meeting, Lucas brought forward a proposed amendment that resolved some of the issues that he found in his district.

“I’ve been working with the people who draw up the map, and they showed me all the different ways to stay to fix the issues while staying within the legal guidelines,” Lucas said. 

The Council also voted unanimously on councilman Lucas’s proposed changes to the map, allowing for the passage of the city’s news district map. 

Full story to come in Wednesday’s print edition of The News Courier.