Athens Intermediate School Ties & Tees Tuesday

Published 12:51 pm Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Athens Intermediate School fourth and fifth graders participated in their first Ties & Tees Tuesday on Sept. 26. The dress for success campaign will enable students the opportunity to explore and envision their future while learning the art and skill of how to tie a tie.

Athens Intermediate School is striving to incorporate positive character traits.

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“We are always looking for ways to help our students learn real-life skills and to help them make plans now to prepare for their future. Whether a student plans to enter college or the workforce, there will be a time when they will need to know how to tie a necktie or bowtie,” Library media specialist Dana Pressnell said. “Presenting oneself as clean and presentable is a sign of self-respect. Perhaps they are attending a wedding or funeral, going on a job interview or attending a homecoming dance, knowing how to tie a tie is important. Who doesn’t feel a bit more special when wearing a tie? The smiles on their faces speak for themselves.”

Students will wear ties and tees one Tuesday per month starting Oct. 24.

Pressnell went on to say, “We hope our AIS students gain one more tool for their personal toolbox as we help to build these young people’s character. How to tie a tie and pick appropriate attire for an event as well as greet someone and make eye contact are life skills we think are very important to making a positive impression. We want to give students confidence in themselves.”