Athens City Council Dec. 19
Published 6:00 pm Tuesday, December 20, 2022
- Athens City Council meets next on Jan. 8.
Mayor Ronnie Marks informed the city council Monday night that he anticipates a request by the Athens-Limestone Library Board to incorporate library staff members under the Human Resources of the City of Athens.
“It’s an issue we have been talking about off and on for several years, all the way back to a former librarian,” Marks said. “We have asked them to come to us with a formal resolution presented to you guys to say, ‘Help us make this happen.’”
Marks wants to make sure to meet with the Limestone County Commission prior to making decisions.
He said, “I think the library has about a $700,00 budget. Their funding stream from the county makes up about $130,000 of that. I want to make sure, at least with them, that that commitment continues. It is too critical and important for us to have a library and assume we are going to have all the responsibility.”
Marks also spoke about the expected cold temperatures in the coming days.
“It’s about to get real cold. We are talking about single digits. I think there is some report that this might be the coldest winter in a long time. Please check on those that are vulnerable: elderly, children, those less fortunate than we are; help support them. Keep your pets inside,” Marks said.
Councilwoman Dana Henry added, “Not only is it a tough time for people who are less fortunate than us, it is also a really tough time for people dealing with mental health issues. Holidays can be tough even in the best of times and the best of situations. We could probably all stand to have a little grace towards those people who are suffering.”
The council approved the following business items.
• Resolution vacating a portion of a public alley between McArthur Drive and Sweet Sue Drive.
• Resolution to approve travel/education expenses in the amount of $28.75 for personnel of the Mayor’s Office.
• Resolution to appoint Michael Leicher to the Athens Housing Authority to fulfill the term of Lillie Bledsoe, expiring on Dec. 2, 2026.
• Resolution to approve the purchase from Altec Industries, Inc., Birmingham, Alabama, for one 2022 47’ Digger Derrick for $225,000 for the Electric Department.
• Resolution to approve the purchase of mirrors for the weight room at the Athens Recreation Center at a cost not to exceed $2,200.
• Resolution to approve FY 2022 budget amendments paid by FY 2022 General Fund budget surplus
• Retirement System of Alabama contribution $750,000
• Capital Expenditure Fund $2.75 million
• Capital Project Fund $1.5 million
• Ordinance regarding the sale of property located along Clyde Mabry Drive for Happi Pappi.
A Special Called Meeting by the City Council will be held on Thursday, Dec. 22, 2022, at 10 a.m. in the City Council Chambers at City Hall. The purpose of the meeting is to take up items relating to the annexation of property, and agreements relating to annexation.