LCCI has food for those in need

Published 7:00 pm Wednesday, March 18, 2020

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Limestone County Churches Involved has a long history of fighting hunger in Limestone County.

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LCCI volunteers are currently working to make sure citizens are fed during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Tere Richardson, LCCI board president, said the requirements to qualify for a food distribution have changed.

The interview process for those who wish to receive a distribution has been eliminated for the time being, as it generally involves being in close proximity to volunteers, many of whom are 65 or older, according to Richardson. Richardson said the organization is also temporarily waiving the four-times-a-year limit for receiving food, so it doesn’t matter if someone has been in before to get food.

There is also no income requirement, she said.

Recipients do need to bring an identification card with their photo on it and leave their name and address, however.

“If you need food, we can help you,” officials with LCCI posted on their Facebook page. “We have restocked, cleaned and are open our regular days and hours.”

Limestone County Churches Involved, 201 N. Jefferson St., Athens, is open 9-11 a.m. Mondays through Fridays.

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