Limestone Ledger for 10/25/23

Published 9:00 am Wednesday, October 25, 2023

This week

Storytelling festival

The 17th Annual Athens Storytelling Festival will be Oct. 24-28. Visit for more details and to purchase tickets.

Email newsletter signup


Ardmore shred day

The Greater Ardmore Chamber, City of Ardmore and Town of Ardmore are hosting their second 2023 shred day on Thursday, Oct. 26, from 2-5 p.m. Visit for more information.

First Christian Church Trunk or Treat

Please join the First Christian Church for Trunk or Treat on Thursday, Oct. 26, at the Big Spring Park Duck Pond. There will be free hot dogs, chips, drinks and candy. Join us for lots of fun from 5-7 p.m.

Nora Fleming signing party

Nora Fleming will be making her first trip to Alabama to have a signing at Crawford’s Gifts in downtown Athens on Oct. 26 from 5-7 p.m.

Thursday night talent — top 6

The top six contestants in the “Thursday Night Talent” series will compete on the east side of the Limestone County Courthouse at 6 p.m. on Oct. 26. This event is free and open to the public, and there will be food trucks on site.


NARFE Chapter 1480 meeting

NARFE Chapter 1480 will meet Saturday, Oct. 28, at 9:00 a.m. at the Veterans Museum on Pryor Street. The guest speaker will be Chris Alexander from Blue Cross Blue Shield. If you have Government Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance, you need to attend this meeting. He will be telling about any changes in our insurance for 2024. Breakfast will be served. Call Dean Morgan at (256) 233-0248 if you have any questions.

Fall chicken stew

The Athens VFW Auxiliary 2765 (18615 Jefferson St, Athens, AL, 35611) will be hosting a chicken stew on Oct. 28. Pre-order pickup (call Nina at (562) 879-2557 to place) starts at 1 p.m. and walk-in serving starts at 2 p.m. Stew will be $10/quart and $30/gallon.


Trunk or treat

Elk River Health & Nursing Center is sponsoring a community wide Trunk or Treat on Oct. 30 from 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. with set-up starting at 4:30 p.m. at 24623 Union Hill Rd Ardmore, TN, 38449, For more information, contact Wendi Crawford or Wendy Stevens at (931) 427-2143 or Please reach out to register to sponsor a trunk as well.

Trunk or treat

At least 20 churches are set to decorate booths/trunks and hand out candy during a trunk or treat event, which will take place 5 p.m. on Oct. 31 at Round Island Creek Mission Center, 13829 Lucas Ferry Rd, Athens. The event will start with a prayer and ribbon cutting.

AHS 1956 class lunch

The Athens High School 1956 class luncheon will be at Logan’s Roadhouse on Nov. 1 at 11 a.m.

Black & Gold Club clay shoot

Ardmore’s Black & Gold Club, a nonprofit supporting Ardmore’s softball team, will host a sporting clay tournament on Nov. 3 at Old South Clays (27246 Wooley Springs Road, Athens, AL, 35613). Check-in for the morning flight is at 8 a.m. to start at 8:30 a.m., and the afternoon flight check-in begins at 12 p.m. to start at 12:30 p.m. Lunch is included in registration. Shooter must provide their own factory shells, and each person gets 100 clays. Raffle items will also be available. Reach out to for a registration form or questions.

OVFD chicken stew and bake sale

The Owens Volunteer Fire Department will host a chicken stew and bake sale fundraiser on Saturday, Nov. 4, starting at 10 a.m. at Station No. 1 (15359 Elk River Mills Road). Pre-sale tickets are available now. A bowl will be $6, a quart $10, a half gallon $18 and a gallon $30.

Thanksgiving meal drive through

The New Life Church will serve a full course Thanksgiving meal to the community on Nov. 4 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. All carry out meals are free and provided on a first come first serve basis until supplies are exhausted. For more information, call (256) 233-7228.


Active Minds donation drive

Athens State University’s Active Minds organization is conducting a donation drive for HOPE Place in honor of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Until Oct. 27, select cleaning and hygiene products can be dropped off at Sandridge Student Center, the Center for Lifelong Learning or the Alabama Center for the Arts. For more information on needed items or donations, contact Patrice Broaden at (256) 233-8143.

First Metro Bank Pink Out

First Metro Bank is having a pink out in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. You can donate scarves and hats (new, unused or handmade) for local cancer patients at any location. All locations are accepting donations for research.


Virtual exercise class

Limestone County Council on Aging presents virtual exercise class 2–3 p.m. Mondays and Fridays via Zoom. The classes are called S.A.I.L., which stands for Stay Active and Independent for Life. More information: (256) 233-6412.

Haunt Walks

The Athens Haunt Walks will be every Tuesday and Thursday night in October (except for Oct. 31). Tickets can be purchased on


Bingo is running for the public at Decatur Elks Lodge each Monday. Doors open at 5 p.m. with games beginning at 6:30 p.m. No outside food or drink will be allowed. Elks Lodge is located at 2625 Centron Drive SW in Decatur. More information:

Used book sale

Friends of the Athens- Limestone Public Library host a used book sale from 10 a.m. — 2 p.m. each Tuesday and the first Saturday of each month from 9 a.m. — 1 p.m. at the library, 603 S. Jefferson St., Athens. More information (256) 232-1233.

TOPS meeting (Tuesdays)

Athens AL TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Evening Chapter #0616 meets weekly on Tuesdays, at the Athens Activity Center on Pyror Street. Weigh-In starts at 6:00pm and the meeting at 6:30pm. For more info, email:

Community Choir Rehearsals

The Athens State University Community Choir holds rehearsals on Tuesday nights from 6-7:30 p.m. in the Athens High School Choir Room. For more information, contact Teresa Edwards at or learn more at the choir’s Facebook page.

TOPS meeting (Wednesdays)

The Athens, AL TOPS Club Inc.® Chapter #615 (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), a nonprofit weight-loss support organization, meets weekly on Wednesday mornings at 8:30 a.m. at the Athens City Activity Center located at 912 West Pryor Street, Athens, AL 35611. Your first visit to any TOPS meeting is free. For more information about TOPS Club, Inc. and our chapter, contact our Leader, Kimberly Harbin, at

Support group

Crisis Services of North Alabama in Athens will have support groups for domestic violence victims and survivors every Wednesday starting at 5:30 p.m. at 406 S. Jefferson Street. For more information, call (256) 262-7760 or (256) 230-1240.

Crochet Club

Athens-Limestone County Public Library hosts a crochet club every Saturday at 9:30 a.m. for every skill level. Bring your current projects to work on or help others learn.

Digital Literacy Classes

Athens-Limestone County Public Library will host a series of Digital Literacy Classes in conjunction with Calhoun Community College & Drake State Community & Technical College. Classes will boost your digital confidence & provide you with skills and training needed in today’s job market. Classes are Monday-Wednesday, 9 a.m. to noon or 1-4 p.m. Call (256) 306-2830 to learn more.

Houston Memorial Library Daily Book Sale

The Houston Library has a large selection of paperback Westerns for sale. Fifty cents each. First come first serve. The Houston Library is located at 101 N. Houston St., Athens AL 35611 and open M-F and the first Saturday of the month, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Call (256) 233 — 8770 for more information. Houston Memorial Library and Museum hosts a book sale daily.

After-school feeding program

Women Empowering Women of Alabama, in partnership with FreshWind Christian Fellowship, is offering free meals for students after school. Meals are available 3–5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. More information: Janice Williams, (256) 233-5995.


AMVETS Post 21 monthly breakfast

AMVETS AL Post 21 (22769 Black Road, Athens, AL) hosts a veterans breakfast every second Saturday of the month at 7 a.m. The breakfast is open to the public for a $6 donation, and it is free to veterans, first responders and their families. The proceeds go to help meet the needs of the post’s veterans and their families.

AMVETS Post 21 themed dinner

AMVETS AL Post 21 (22769 Black Road, Athens, AL) hosts a monthly German dinner on the third Monday of each month from 5:30-7:30 p.m. The dinner is open to the public and costs $15 per person.

Book club

Join the Athens-Limestone Public Library for a new book club on the third Tuesday of the month. The club meets at 6 p.m. at Athens Alehouse & Cellar.

Senior Game Nights

The Athens Activity Center is going to start hosting Friday Night Game Night on the third Friday of each month from July 21-Dec. 15. Games will be available from 3-7 p.m.

Food giveaway

Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church’s food pantry will be open 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. on the third Saturday of each month at 1911 Hine St., Athens. Patrons must provide proof of at least one of the following: eligibility to receive supplemental food assistance (SNAP/food stamps); eligibility for Temporary Assistance to Needy Families; eligibility to receive Supplemental Security Income; income at or below 130 percent of the federal poverty level; or special circumstances. Eligibility forms provided at distribution site. Must have valid ID card or driver’s license. Only one distribution per household while supplies last. Monetary and food donations accepted. More information: (256) 424-5403.

Book club

We have a Book Club that meets the fourth Thursday of every month at Antiques on Jefferson.

Community outreach day

Freshwind Christian Fellowship is partnering with Women Empowering Women of Alabama to create a day of fun for the whole family every fourth Saturday from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at 17200 Lucas Ferry Rd. in Athens. They will be serving food and giving away free clothing. For more information contact Janice Williams at (256) 233-5995.

Cemetery cleanup

City cemeteries

The City of Athens reminds residents and families of the following regarding its cemeteries (City, Hine-Hobbs St., Old City, Roselawn and Thatch-Mann): No flowers or decorations allowed on the ground, unless following a funeral; flower placement acceptable year-round on monuments; fresh flowers will be removed one week after a funeral; silk flowers will be removed 21 days after a funeral or to be placed on the monument; approval by cemetery superintendent required before planting flowers, shrubs, trees or sod; city personnel will remove all trees or shrubs deemed detrimental to adjacent lots or grave openings; and worn, tattered or damaged U.S. flags will be removed and disposed of properly. The City of Athens does not assume any liability for any monument, flowers, shrubbery, ornaments, flags, etc. in any city owned cemetery.

Blood donations


You can schedule a time with the Athens Donor Center online anytime. For more information, or to find and participate in blood drives, visit

Red Cross

American Red Cross is asking eligible donors to make an appointment for blood or platelet donation.