
Owl’s Eye: What’s in a name?

Over Memorial Day weekend, I had a chance to flutter into a wonderful bar-be-cue offered by Veterans of ...


Our view: No buyer’s remorse for those who don’t invest

The seeds for allowing medical cannabis dispensaries in the city of Athens were planted in November 2022 when ...


George Will: The Supreme Court votes for clarity from Congress. How refreshing.

“Jarndyce and Jarndyce drones on.” — “Bleak House,” by Charles Dickens Dickens imagined the probate case Jarndyce and ...


Steve Flowers: Girls State has had profound effect on our state leaders

The Alabama Boys State and Girls State programs have been the spawning ground for Alabama political leaders for ...


Armstrong Williams: A true statesman, C. Boyden Gray

I lost a dear mentor and friend last Sunday when C. Boyden Gray departed to become a bright ...


Owl’s Eye: Commencement time

We Owls are often pictured wearing glasses. This is to make us look wise. My mom owl once ...


Our view: Opening your government: Meetings and deliberations

Our state’s Open Meetings Act was passed, according to the Alabama Press Association, “with the purpose of ensuring ...


Steve Flowers: Women in Alabama politics

It is hard to imagine that it was only a little more than 100 years ago that women ...


George Will: Maybe the looming debt ceiling disaster is really just politics as usual

Today’s dispute about raising the government’s borrowing limit might produce an anesthetizing boredom because such contretemps occur frequently. ...


There’s no place like home — for grads

The graduation season is upon us. It is a time when our local and regional high schools will ...

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