
STEVE FLOWERS: 2023 Observations and accolades

I know we are in a new year, but allow me to look back into 2023 and share ...


Our view: The voices of year past … and a year ahead

It’s always enlightening when The News Courier publishes its “top stories of …” at the turn of the ...


Markets and miracles

In this season of giving, I’ll donate to the Doe Fund, a charity that helps drug abusers and ...


STEVE FLOWERS: Roger Bedford remembered

As is my custom, my yearend column is devoted to acknowledging meaningful Alabama political leaders who passed away ...


Letter to the editor: Thank you for publishing ‘A Christmas Story’

In reading the Dec. 26 edition, I am so thankful for the News Courier publishing “The Christmas Story.” ...


Harvard’s Claudine Gay should resign

She plagiarized her acknowledgments. I take no joy in saying this, but Harvard President Claudine Gay ought to ...


Armstrong Williams: Sodomy in the Halls of Congress

Next time you tune in to a high-profile Senate hearing — perhaps to view a Supreme Court nominee ...


The Christmas Story

And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that ...


VERONIQUE DE RUGY: Congress, here are two bipartisan gift ideas for our children

With the festive season upon us, with its twinkling lights and merry carols, the item topping my wish ...


Editorial: Is there a Santa Claus?

The News Courier shares annually the editorial “Is there a Santa Claus,” in answer to 8-year-old Virginia O’Hanlon’s ...

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