
George Will: It beggars belief that Democrats will keep sleepwalking ahead with Biden

Decorous panic is a difficult mannerism to master, as Democrats are finding out. Their divorce from President Biden ...


Editorial: Biden’s potential reelection

Public-opinion polls are a snapshot in time, and results can change quickly in politics as events intrude. But ...


Armstrong Williams: A path forward for Trump: Rising above the fray

In these tumultuous times, our beloved United States finds itself at a crossroads of division, rife with political ...


Our view: Don’t make a traffic accident worse

Few are the days in north Alabama that drivers don’t come upon a fender bender, wreck or even ...


Veronique de Rugy: Congress can redeem itself by calling for help

There’s much talk today about the need for a fiscal commission. The House Budget Committee held a hearing ...


Alabama author Robert McCammon’s ‘Seven Shades’ pulls back the curtain on Matthew Corbett’s early adventures

Few are the best-selling authors with the tenacity and temerity to reinvent themselves not once, not twice but ...


Our view: A thoughtful day

How often do we offer a sentiment to someone without truly thinking about it? Don’t we all sometimes ...


STEVE FLOWERS: 2024 elections around the corner

Folks don’t look now, but our 2024 election year is upon us. Next year is a major year ...


Our view: Thank a veteran on Saturday, but on Thursday, do this first

If you happen to see your friends or colleagues dressed for military service instead of office or work ...


Armstrong Williams: Biden shows remarkable moral clarity on Israel

President Joe Biden and the United States have been forceful in their support for Israel in the aftermath ...

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