
(Column) Local media is struggling. Government subsidies would make it worse.

It is an axiom and an accusation: Journalists consider the phrase “good news” an oxymoron. There is a ...


Our view: Save a life … maybe even your own

One of the wisest life choices you can make is choosing to use your seat belt whether as ...


STEVE FLOWERS: New 2nd Congressional District: Residency not required?

“Friends and Neighbors” politics and “all politics is local” has gone by the wayside. Instead, we are a ...


Our view: High costs, low profits … would you want this job? (and why we should thank those who do)

Each month from April to November, we publish a special page, “Thank a Farmer.” Typically, the contents of ...


Armstrong Williams: Biden’s nonsensical immigration bill

A masterpiece of duplicity is President Joe Biden. You would assume that after decades in the Senate, he ...


GEORGE WILL: Why Biden’s dishwasher regulations are a dirty joke

Industrial policy — government planning the billions of variables generated by hundreds of millions of people making economic ...


Our view: Don’t trust the process? Volunteer as a poll worker

When you think “politics” in America, words such as “dissent,” “contentious” and “fragmented” can immediately come to mind. ...


Erick Erickson: A world order, if you can keep it

With the exception of Pearl Harbor, the Western Hemisphere escaped World War II mostly unscathed. It also led, ...


Mona Charen: The base wants the fight instead of the victory

The border bill circus is the latest demonstration of a bedrock reality of today’s Republican Party: It does ...


BILL KETTER: Georgia’s Greene, Hollywood shuffle

Funny, spirited improvised comedy is not provocateur Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s thing, especially when the biting humor flies ...

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