
(Column) Mac McArthur retires

As the legislative session evolves, I find myself missing my old friend Mac McArthur around the Statehouse. We ...


Our view: Spring break can’t be a break from common sense

For many teens and college students, spring break is an opportunity to take a short pause from academic ...


(Column) Alabama has a host of young, prominent political leaders

For the casual observer, taking a cursory look at our political leaders reveals that may we have some ...


Dave Says: Determination and hard work

Dear Dave: I started listening to your show, and following the Baby Steps, three months ago. I’m already ...


(On religion) Another threat to ancient churches of Syria

In the Triumph of Orthodoxy service on the first Sunday of Great Lent, the clergy and faithful proclaim ...


Alabama State Parks upgrades golf courses

Most people are aware of the stunning natural beauty, the hiking and biking trails and upgraded accommodations at ...


(SENSE & SENSITIVITY) Parent wants to confront teacher about son’s injury

DEAR HARRIETTE: My kid twisted his ankle at school today, and the teacher didn’t do anything about it. ...


(Guest column) Proposed ‘health plans’ will hurt cancer survivors

This column is in response to the Feb. 15 column “The Big Blue Bully” by Steve Flowers. As ...


(Ask the Doctors) GLP-1 microdosing is experimental, unauthorized

Dear Doctors: I’m trying to lose the 18 pounds I have gained since the pandemic. It has been ...


Editorial: Measles death requires national attention

Bearing in mind that any child’s death is a tragedy, many American media consumers could nonetheless be forgiven ...

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