Letters To The Editor

Letter: Story about ‘fake electors’ insults readers

The story, “Fake electors in Georgia” (Aug. 15) is an insult to many readers. “Fake” is a harsh ...

Letters To The Editor

Letter: Equality, justice and democracy teach us how to behave

When I was young, my parents taught me to say ma’am and sir, pardon me, thank you and ...

Letters To The Editor

Letter: Athens-Limestone Hospital president closes pool

In the fall of 2021, Athens-Limestone Hospital Wellness Center members were stunned by the surprise announcement that the ...

Letters To The Editor

Letter: Armstrong Williams finally see a guilty Donald Trump

This was on the opinion page by Armstrong Williams in Saturday’s News-Courier — finally he sees a guilty ...

Letters To The Editor

Letter to the editor: Empty pool, empty quality of life

Exercise, exercise, exercise. How many medical articles have you read about the importance of a healthy dies, no ...

Letters To The Editor

Letter: Those eligible for parole should have presence at hearings

As a judge for 30 years, I sentenced those convicted and reviewed cases on appeal — putting or ...

Letters To The Editor

Letter: Those eligible for parole should have presence at hearings

Those eligible for parole should have presence at hearings As a judge for 30 years, I sentenced those ...

Letters To The Editor

Letter to the editor: ‘We can handle this’

A few weeks ago two young women, one from Ukraine and one from Poland, were guests in Athens ...

Letters To The Editor

LETTER: Anonymous donor makes quacky award possible

Dear Editor, Recently Keep Athens-Limestone Beautiful held their 22nd Wacky Quacky Ducky Derby fundraiser. Due to the economy, ...

Letters To The Editor

Letter to the Editor: Can a dog have 9 lives?

Although it’s been 6 months ago, I would like to take this opportunity to thank local veterinarian, Dr. ...

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