Latest Letters To The Editor

Letters To The Editor

Letter to the editor: Republican Party not really looking so good

In Wednesday’s News Courier there was an “editorial” (“Eventful week looks good for Republicans”) that gave the impression ...

Letters To The Editor

(Letter) The Trumpian truth ala Mona Charen

Thank you for finally having an editorial that is true and to the point about the ex-president’s moral ...

Letters To The Editor

(Letter) Needed: friends and supporters for Trinity project

I went by the Trinity Community Center recently just to bring back some old memories. I used to ...

Letters To The Editor

Know how long the eclipse will last

As a substitute math teacher for 14 years, I had calculated the amount of time to view the ...

Letters To The Editor

(Letter) Vote your conscience and return the GOP to what it was

As a veteran of 20 years and a 2016 Trump voter, the former president’s promise to exact “retribution” ...

Letters To The Editor

Letter: Libraries should provide diversity for whole community

When I worked at the public library in Athens, people often told me how proud they were to ...

Letters To The Editor

Letter: Hats off to councilman Harold Wales

Thank you, Mr. Wales, for, hopefully, in the Oct. 15 edition of The News Courier, making people aware ...

Letters To The Editor

Letter to the editor: Let McCarthy continue

Concerning your recent opinion, “Democracy comes to standstill with GOP chaos,” Oct. 10. Yes, chaos in the House ...

Letters To The Editor

Letter to the editor: This is important and will determine what rural Limestone County looks like in the future

This is important and will determine what rural Limestone County looks like in the future Since assuming office, ...

Letters To The Editor

Letter: Story about ‘fake electors’ insults readers

The story, “Fake electors in Georgia” (Aug. 15) is an insult to many readers. “Fake” is a harsh ...

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