Latest Anniversary


Anniversary: Toppers to celebrate golden Anniversary

Karin and Norman Topper of Harvest will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary today at dinner with their family ...


Anniversary: 40th anniversary

Don and Brenda Miller of Florence celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary March 8 at a private family dinner ...


ANNIVERSARY: Ridingers celebrate 70th wedding anniversary

Bill “Pops” and Lucille “Lucy” Ridinger of Athens celebrated their 70th anniversary Feb. 12 at home in Athens. ...


Golden Anniversaries: Richter family

Mr. and Mrs. Federick K. Ritcher recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary marking a milestone for the Richter ...


Anniversary: Hardimans celebrate 66 years

Walter and Margie Hardiman of Athens celebrated their 66th anniversary March 2, at Longhorn’s Restaurant in Huntsville. The ...


Anniversary: 50 years together

Wendell and Abbie Phillips of Athens celebrated their 50th anniversary with a surprise overnight adventure Jan. 18-19 with ...


Anniversary: Finleys celebrate 50 years

Don and Pat Finley of Athens celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary June 17 with an anniversary tea at ...


Anniversary: Slatens celebrate 60 years

Raymond and Mildred Slaten of Athens celebrated their 60th anniversary July 29 at their daughter Sherry Perry’s home ...


Anniversary: Prices celebrate 50 years

Douglas Marvin and Elizabeth Mims Price of Athens, previously of Huntsville, will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on ...


Anniversary: Couple celebrates 50 years

Doris and Tom Davis Sr. of Athens celebrated their 50th anniversary June 30 at Hobbs Street Church of ...

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