Cnhi Network

Man who threatened to kill U.S. Rep. Omar gets light sentence at her request

ROCHESTER, N.Y. – A western New York man who admitted phoning a death threat to Minnesota Congresswoman Ihan ...

Cnhi Network

Newspapers surprised by public notice changes

FRANKFORT – A backdoor addition to a revenue bill that changes the way legal notices for local government ...

Cnhi Network

Human remains composting proposed in New York

ALBANY, N.Y.  -- Human remains in New York could be legally turned into compost as an alternative to ...

Cnhi Network

Older Americans more likely to spread fake news

On learning Russia had staged a massive disinformation campaign in the 2016 presidential election, schools across the country ...

Cnhi Network

America has a history of caring socialism

LOCKPORT, N.Y. -- It happened again this morning. Just after dawn my youngest daughter was whisked away in ...

Cnhi Network

Alternative candidate for president

Downcast over the Democrat candidates for president? And incumbent Republican Donald Trump as well? Check out independent Albert ...

Cnhi Network

Hip-hop earns place in black history

For decades, the nation's media have covered, and amplified, the controversies of rap music, from the hype of ...

Cnhi Network

New coronavirus gets official medical name

The World Health Organization has given the new coronavirus an official name: Covid-19.

Cnhi Network

Seamstress accomplice in notorious New York prison escape released on parole

PLATTSBURGH, N.Y. – The seamstress employee who played a central role in helping two convicted killers escape from ...

Cnhi Network

Tribute to Newshour’s Jim Lehrer

“The bus stops here,” read the signage on his desk.  On the floor, a bus line doormat.

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