Our view: The voices of year past … and a year ahead

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, January 2, 2024

It’s always enlightening when The News Courier publishes its “top stories of …” at the turn of the New Year, and our look back through the news makers of 2023 in this issue is no different. The time-traveling stroll through the year we present here not only reminds us of where we’ve been — but where we’re headed.

News items such as those about new school principals, new building projects and developments, or new football seasons point to the future as much as they do the past.

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Other news gives us pause for reflection. Hard crimes stories are an ever-present of every community, and that includes Athens and Limestone County. Lives taken too young, and older lives we’ll miss just as much, are part and parcel of every news cycle.

But though all of these stories, through all of the months, run a common thread: community. Every one of the things you’ll read about will touch your life in some way because all of them happened where each of us lives, works and plays … our adopted- or home-towns in our own part and parcel of North Alabama.

As for how we chose the top stories you see in these pages (and linked to our website if you’re reading on your phone, tablet or computer) — that’s changed over time, too. Once upon a time, we used less scientific methods. Editors and publishers would often dine in the community for breakfast and lunch, not so much for the meal, but to see what sections of the paper people were reading and what the community buzz was about. Today, we have digital analytics to let us know what is resonating with Limestone County, and largely, those are the stories you see in this issue. Though, not all. Sometimes the top stories have earned a place in our annual list because the people who report the news, build the pages, sell the ads and distribute the paper just … remember — just like you, our readers, remember the highlights of the year.

So, as you read our list and reflect on the year, please feel free to tell us how we did. Were there any stories we missed for the list that you would have included? If so, drop us an email at editor@athensnewscourier.com and we’ll give them a mention in a future story. After all, the top stories of the year aren’t so much about place as they are people, and people have voices. Those voices are the lifeblood of your News Courier, and a tradition we’ll continue through 2024.

Happy New Year, Limestone County.