Trick or treat: Limestone County turns out for Halloween celebrations

Published 5:00 pm Wednesday, November 1, 2023

The drop in temperatures Tuesday didn’t stop the ghosts and goblins from having a fun evening of trick or treating throughout Athens-Limestone County. There was plenty of candy and other goodies collected as youngsters participated in a variety of community events ranging from trunk-or-treats to traditional neighborhood door-to-door trick or treating.

Cars were lined down Lucas Ferry Road late Tuesday afternoon in anticipation of the start of the Hallelujah Night Trunk or Treat at the Round Island Creek Missionary Baptist Association. The opening ceremony of the event included prayer, the presentation of colors by the Athens High School JROTC Color Guard and the singing of the National Anthem by Cynthia Hines.

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As several of the pastors of the Limestone Ministerial Coalition cut the ribbon, talented Tanner High School trumpet player James Wasserburger signaled the official start of Hallelujah Night with the playing of the “First Call.”

Across town, children were also ready to begin the First Responder Trunk or Treat on the square. The streets around the courthouse in historic Downtown Athens were packed with families ready for a night of safe Halloween fun hosted by the Athens Police Department, Athens Fire & Rescue and Limestone County Sheriff’s Office.

Besides the hosts of the event, members of area volunteer fire departments, Athens-Limestone Ambulance Service, Air Evac and more greeted children and passed out treats. The Athens Arts League also got in on the fun and opened the High Cotton Arts studio to trick or treaters and invited them to visit the Ofrenda in observance of Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead.

Across area neighborhoods, many families opted for the traditional door-to-door trick or treating. In Linton Estates, the sidewalks were teeming with excited children as they stopped by the many festively decorated homes. The parents seemed more affected by the chilly temperatures than the costume-clad youngsters.

By the time the time the temperatures reached the 30s, most of the Halloween fun had come to an end as the kids were expected to be up bright and early for school the next day.