In memory of the fallen

Published 5:00 pm Wednesday, May 17, 2023

In recognition of National Police Week and National Peace Officers Memorial Day, representatives from Athens Police Department, Limestone County Sheriff’s Office, the Mayor’s Office and Limestone County Commission gathered with members of the community for a service Tuesday evening in remembrance of the officers from Athens- Limestone County who died in the line of duty. Family and friends of the officers were also in attendance for the moving ceremony.

Athens Mayor Ronnie Marks said, “We will never forget them. We should always honor and always be here. I hope and pray that each and every one of you have a remembrance in your heart for what this day means — and especially for these loved ones.”

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A wreath stood at the stone memorial where the nine names of the officers who died while serving their community are inscribed. Limestone County Sheriff Joshua McLaughlin read the names and the time of their “end of watch.”

“It’s important not to forget the sacrifices they made, along with their families,” McLaughlin said. “These guys came and served their community and paid the ultimate price. We should always respect that and continue to take the time to honor them and pray for their family.”

Limestone County Chairman Collin Daly thanked everyone and wore blue in honor of the fallen officers and announced that in honor of National Police Week and National Peace Officers Memorial Day, the Limestone County Courthouse was to be lit in blue Tuesday night and for the remainder of the week.