Calhoun Lady Warhawks Basketball advances to state tournament

Published 9:56 am Friday, March 3, 2023

The Calhoun Community College Athletics Division is excited to announce the Lady Warhawks Basketball Team has advanced to the 2023 Alabama Community College Conference (ACCC) State Championship. They will take on Bishop State Community College on Wednesday, March 8, 12 noon in Alabama A&M’s new Event Center, 4900 Meridian Street N, Huntsville, AL.

“This moment is surreal for the coaches, the students as well as our amazing Calhoun and community fan base. To say we worked hard to get to this place would be a complete understatement,” commented Candace Byrd, Calhoun’s head women’s basketball coach. “After being hired as the new head coach, I knew time was not on my side, and that I had to begin recruiting very quickly. Recruiting late in the year can be extremely discouraging as many athletes have already decided where they wanted to go, but I truly felt in my heart that we still stood a chance with obtaining athletes that could help us have an amazing season,” Byrd added.

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For more than two decades, Calhoun had been without a basketball program. After surveying the community, the college acted on the results, and basketball returned. “There are many decisions that are made at the college, and this one is at the top of the list I deem as being a great decision,” commented Dr. Jimmy Hodges, Calhoun President. “The college sports experience is just as important as the academic experience. And if there is an opportunity to provide both to a student, I say go for it, which is what we did when we brought back basketball. This program has allowed students to attend Calhoun debt-free while enjoying the game they love and obtaining a high-quality education,” added Hodges.

“This season has been magical! I have been blessed to be surrounded by talented and hardworking young women, who bought into the vision. This season has exposed what a team can do when everyone is on the same page, working together to accomplish the same goal. I am humbled that the college and athletes placed their faith and trust in myself as well as my amazing coaching staff to guide and direct the new program. My motto has always been that every person is important, regardless of their title or role. The continuous outpouring of support from my President, the faculty and staff at Calhoun, as well as our athletics Director, Dr. Nancy Keenum and fans has been nothing short of amazing. CALHOUN BASKETBALL IS BACK!,” added Byrd.

General Admission tickets are $10.00 a day. All games will be streamed live by JockJive at the following link:

All media inquiries must contact the Calhoun Public Relations Team at 256-306-2560 or 256-306-2965.