LCSO “vesting up for safety”

Published 5:00 pm Friday, March 24, 2023

Limestone County Sheriff’s Office Corrections Officers are “Vesting Up for Safety” Thanks to Funding from the Limestone County Sheriff’s Rodeo

For the past 40 years, the Limestone County Sheriff’s Rodeo has provided many opportunities for law enforcement in Limestone County. These projects include purchasing patrol vehicles, duty gear, facility equipment, aircraft maintenance, shooting range, etc. These opportunities would not be possible without the outpouring support from local businesses, citizens, and our rodeo fans.

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The Limestone County Sheriff’s Rodeo recently purchased Lifesaving Survival Armor Ballistic and Stab-Resistant Vests for all Correction’s Officers at the Limestone County Sheriff’s Office to wear while on duty. “The safety of our Corrections Officers is of the utmost importance to our department,” shares Captain Tammy Waddell. “This additional layer of protection will allow them to perform their duties safer during their shifts.”

“Our award-winning detention facility continues to focus on safety and training for our Corrections Officers,” adds Sheriff Joshua McLaughlin. “We strive to be the safest detention center, and adding this lifesaving layer for our Corrections Officers keeps us moving in that direction.”

The Limestone County Sheriff’s Rodeo, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization comprised of active Limestone County Sheriff’s Office employees, and Limestone County Reserve Deputies invested in improving law enforcement and community service.