Rigsby, Beaty answer questionnaire for upcoming primaries
Published 11:32 am Friday, May 13, 2022
Editor’s note: On May 11, The News Courier published a 2022 Voter Guide highlighting responses from candidates in local races. Because not all candidates were able to respond by our deadline, we have included those candidates here under the same guidelines as those who responded in the voter guide section: Each candidate received the four same questions and with the same word limits per question.
Phillip K. Rigsby, candidate for State Representative District No. 25 Tell us about yourself.
I was born and raised in Huntsville. I graduated from SR Butler High School in 1994 and then attended Auburn University and completed pharmacy school with a Doctor of Pharmacy degree in 2000. I returned to our area and started my career working for Kroger Pharmacy. In 2004, I began working at Huntsville Compounding Pharmacy and The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy. In 2015 I purchased both and continue to work as a pharmacist at both locations. I have been married to my wife, Pamela, for 24 years and we have two sons, Preston (20) and Parker (17). I also serve as a volunteer firefighter and EMT with Monrovia Fire and Rescue. Since joining the department in 2004, I have served as a Captain, EMS educator, CPR instructor and have recently begun serving as the Chaplain. I am a Youth Sunday School Teacher and Worship Music Leader at Providence Baptist Church.
What do you consider to be the top priority of your elected position?
As your next representative I will make sure we continue to receive our fair share of funding from Montgomery for our roads, infrastructure and schools. Just like hard working families living within their means and balancing their check book, so should our government. I will cut the wasteful spending and demand accountability. I will keep our economy moving in the right direction by working with our local and state leaders on recruiting jobs to North Alabama. Protecting our conservative values is crucial. I will stand up for our 2nd Amendment rights, protect the unborn, and fight against the liberal policies that are being pushed upon us. It’s time to make our voices loud and clear against the cancel culture.
If elected, what is the first thing you plan to do?Pharmacists are among the most trusted professions in America. As a pharmacist, I have learned to listen to my patient’s issues, even when it seemed no one else would. As a compounding pharmacist, I can think outside of the box to become an advocate and problem solver for them. I will take these skills to District 25 and listen to the people. I will go to Montgomery and fight for the issues facing them.
What differentiates you from your competitors?
As a small businessman I know what it’s like to make a payroll. I believe that government should run more like a business and we should cut the red tape and wasteful spending. I believe my experience and faith makes me the most qualified person for this office. I will work with the governor and other leaders to keep North Alabama moving forward, recruiting jobs and protecting our conservative values. I want to be found faithful by God that I loved my neighbor by selflessly serving and representing them well.
Lucas J. Beaty, candidate for District Attorney, 39th Judicial Circuit Tell us about yourself.
My family settled in Ardmore on my 13th birthday. I graduated high school there in 2000 and served a two-year active-duty enlistment with the US Army. Upon completion of my term of service, I returned home, graduating from Athens State University in 2008 with a degree in secondary education. I went on to law school at Mississippi College School of Law and took the Bar exam in February 2011. I have maintained a private practice in Athens since then, focusing on criminal and juvenile justice matters, to include prosecuting for the town of Ardmore and the City of Athens. I live in Ardmore with my wife (Kasey Vining Beaty) and daughters (Isabel and Reese).
What do you consider to be the top priority of your elected position?
The DA’s office requires an individual that can make decisions in a timely and assertive manner. The DA must have a good working relationship with multiple law enforcement agencies, other members of the bar, and the court. The priority should be to ensure that justice is administered fairly and efficiently.
If elected, what is the first thing you plan to do?The first priority, if elected, is to address the backlog of cases. Too many cases have been allowed to wait around for trials that never seem to occur. How cases are assigned to particular prosecutors in the current office has proven inefficient and ineffective, leaving some lawyers in the office without the authority to work on certain cases.
What differentiates you from your competitors?
Creativity and energy. The current administration continues to charge, prepare, present and (for lack of a better word) process cases the same way after nearly 12 years in office. Sentencing ranges have changed, the method in which certain crimes are committed have changed (for instance, cell phone pics/Face Book messaging etc.), drug distribution has changed, but the prosecution has not. Limestone County has grown significantly over the last decade and we need leaders that can adjust to the growing needs of the community.