Birthday: Warren is 2
Published 9:23 am Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Eric “Warren” Prater Jr., son of Eric and Laura Leigh Laxson Prater of Madison, celebrated his second birthday Feb.15 with a farm-themed brunch at home with family and friends. He is the grandson of Guinn and Tammy Laxson of Athens, and Laura and Greg Mitchell, and Bert Prater, all of Decatur. He is the great-grandson of Fred and Robbie Nell Robertson and Glynn and Ermogene Laxson, all of Athens, Margarita Guitart of Decatur, and Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Lecuona of Ormond Beach, Fla., and the late Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Prater and Mr. Miguel Guitart. Warren has one brother, Laxson Prater, 9 months.