Council on Aging offers improved amenities for senior residents of Limestone County

Published 9:00 am Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Limestone County Council on Aging Program has taken on the responsibility of providing beneficial services for seniors, age 60 or older, in Limestone County on a near daily basis.

According to Heidi Stinnett, director of COA, the program has multiple senior nutrition and activity centers across Limestone County. These recreational centers are located in Ardmore, East Limestone, Elkmont, Good Springs, Owens and Tanner.

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“Our activity/nutrition centers provide opportunities for socialization, education, recreation, exercise and much more,” Stinnett said in a statement to The News Courier.

At most of the nutrition centers lunch is served daily, Monday through Friday, and at the activity centers Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

For those individuals who can not reach the senior centers for lunches and fellowship with other older adults, the Council on Aging has begun its volunteer delivery program Meals on Wheels. The program goes Monday through Friday, and it is only for qualified homebound individuals.

Warm meals are not the only things being transported for the countywide aging program, COA also offers free transportation services for senior individuals.

According to Stinnett, these services will take seniors to their various activity centers, doctor appointments, dentist appointments and even grocery shopping. They also offer specially equipped vehicles for the transportation of wheelchair bound riders as well.

The special services do not stop there, Council on Aging also offers help with legal assistance and health insurance to senior residents in Limestone County provided by an attorney on staff with TARCOG Area Agency on Aging.

“For matters such as consumer or credit and billing problems, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, S.S.I., housing and wills,” Stinnett said. “As well as health promotion for routine health screenings, call our office for assistance and our counseling.”

Outside of the legal world, seniors looking to get back into the world can explore the multiple events and countywide day trips the various centers will hold in the future.

In the past, COA has helped hold picnics at the park, bingo games, health fairs and specially requested trips to places throughout Limestone County,

For more information, and to apply or register for any of the aforementioned services, contact the Limestone County Council on Aging at (256)-233-6412.