(Crumbs of Candor) Everybody needs a little Joy
Published 12:00 pm Wednesday, May 15, 2024
- MaryLou Hillof Cando
Editor’s note: This column is from the Crumbs of Candor archives, June 2022.
Joy elicits all sorts of pleasant thoughts. True joy is not necessarily the same as happiness, fun or pleasure.
True joy is a deep and abiding peace and assurance that in the long run, it will all be okay.
When was the last time you shouted for joy? If you cannot remember then perhaps it’s time to slow down and smell the roses for a brief spell.
For me, there is constant joy even amidst arduous trials and unthinkable challenges. Does that mean one is bubbly, effervescent and light-hearted all the time? Nope. But it does mean that we have attained an inner peace that is more valuable than gold (or petroleum of late).
There is another meaning of the word that has been nagging at me. It’s my dear, sweet friend named ever so appropriately Joy.
She lives just down the road a little ways and we attend church together. We have been there for one another through thick and thin and trust me, the thick has been condensed, compressed, heaped and abundant for both of us over the past few years.
It was a true honor to be there for her when her son suddenly died of a heart attack or when her husband nearly severed most of the digits on his dominant hand in an accident, and so much more.
We share our deepest concerns with one another. Her life is not easy and never has been but she doesn’t complain.
She keeps on smiling and doing and giving even when the recipients of her support, love and generosity give back only hatred, loathing and spew forth the most unkind words.
Rather than constantly complain of the poor and inexcusable behavior of others, she asks, “What can I do differently?” She is forgiving and forevermore looking within to cleanse her inner vessel.
Her energy is boundless. She’s an adventurer and a real go getter. Joy works harder, sleeps less and continues constantly like the Energizer Bunny — they both just keep going.
She has the biggest heart of anyone in my circle. She is the most forgiving, generous and kind person on this planet.
Her name is a perfect match for her personality. She exudes joy and goodness. She fails to see the faults in others and is the best example of Christlike love in my experience.
Never has she hesitated for a split second to come to the aid of anyone. Seriously, she will drop what she is doing in a heartbeat to serve another soul anytime, anywhere, any way.
She sacrifices so much more than she is aware of but observers will quickly agree that her family members are the most blessed creatures alive.
Her grandchildren are on a constant merry-go-round of being entertained and made to feel special. She’s not much bigger than most of them yet, at our age her energy and abilities are quite astounding.
On a recent vacation with her daughter and granddaughter (aged 11 at the time) she even climbed a rock wall and several other physical challenges that would have made me shudder after age forty.
Repelling and rock climbing have also been checked off her bucket list.
She is a powerhouse for good. It behooves everyone who meets her to get to know her simply because of the essence of goodness she exudes.
By far one of the best examples I’ve witnessed of being like Jesus, love flows from her — genuine, pure love and charity that are matched by the Savior and Redeemer Himself.
She is forevermore taking food to somebody, flowers and cards to another and rarely treats herself to anything extravagant.
During my recent illness and my husband’s passing, she got together with other sisters from church and had food literally overflowing from my refrigerator as plenty of traveling family were in and out for weeks.
She calls everybody she knows to check on them. “Do you need anything from the store? I can pick up that prescription for you. What do you want for lunch? I can come in just a little while to clean your house or do some laundry for you.”
She is not someone you can keep all to yourself because she does for anyone and everyone.
If you are alive, she will be there to help you in any way.
She is one we must share with everyone else because she loves you before you even meet.
A true friend knows your weaknesses — and loves you anyway — never tries to dissuade you from living your standards and commitments; rather they encourage you to stay strong and loyal to your moral code.
Joy is a true friend. I hope you have a Joy in your life, too.