(Paws and Reflect) Protecting your pets from ticks
Published 12:00 am Saturday, May 11, 2024
Ticks are a blood-sucking parasite that can transmit a multitude of diseases through its bite. Ticks will attach themselves to any mammal, and our cats and dogs are easy targets. They are quite active in spring and summer, so prevention is key to protecting our pets and cutting off the transmission of these diseases.
Five different breeds of ticks can be found in Alabama: the Deer tick, American Dog tick, Black Legged tick, Brown Dog tick and Gulf Coast tick. These different types can infect a host animal or human with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, tick paralysis (due to heavy infestation, common in deer, rodents and equines), Lyme Disease, plus a variety of rashes, fevers, bacterial infections, anemia and neuro-toxicity.
Lyme Disease can infect any mammal. If treated quickly with antibiotics, a full recovery is possible. However, some people and animals have a severe reaction to the disease and will suffer debilitating symptoms for a lifetime. It is important, therefore, to check your pets and yourself for ticks any time you have been outdoors.
Most ticks are visible to the naked eye and can be picked off the fur of your pet. Be sure to check around the ears, scruff and feet. If you find a tick that is attached, using tweezers to remove the tick is recommended. Clean the area thoroughly with alcohol to kill any bacteria. If you live in an area that is heavily populated with ticks, keeping a sealable bottle with some bleach and water near your back door, and using it to drop the ticks into is a handy idea. The ASPCA has an abundance of information on dealing with ticks that may be helpful.
Prevention is a must to insure the health of your pets. Keep the areas that they play in tightly mowed, and remove any tall grasses or brush that could harbor ticks. The medications used to prevent fleas also works for ticks. Check with your veterinarian for the best possible product, and use it consistently, year-round in Alabama.
Show your pet how much you love them by taking an active role in preventing and eradicating ticks around your home and any place you may take your pet for playtime. Consult your vet if your pet has been bitten, just in case a treatment is required.