“Chief A” : Pressnell named Athens police chief

Published 10:00 am Wednesday, October 25, 2023

At its Oct. 23 Athens City Council meeting, the council named Anthony Pressnell as police chief of the Athens Police Department.

By state law, the police chief is a city council appointment.

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After the unanimous vote by the city council, Pressnell received a standing ovation by those in attendance, including many members of the Athens Police Department.

“Will you be ‘Chief A’ now,” Councilwoman Dana Henry asked. “Honestly, this is probably the most confident vote we possibly could have made.”

Pressnell has served as interim chief since July 17. The council named him interim after the retirement of chief Floyd Johnson.

Pressnell previously served as captain over the patrol division, a position he held since May 20, 2012. He has served with the Athens Police Department since Jan. 3, 1989.

“I want to thank the city council and Mayor Marks for this appointment,” he said. “I appreciate the city council and mayor for having the confidence in me to be the police chief for the City of Athens. We have a great department that does an outstanding job every day, and I want them to know they have my full support. I will continue to do my best to make sure the citizens of this city know that our department is here to serve them. I look forward to serving the police department and the citizens of Athens as their police chief.”

Marks said Pressnell has been responsive and has served well as interim, replacing Chief Johnson who retired in July.

“I’m proud our council recognizes the emphasis we place on public safety and has appointed Anthony Pressnell to this position,” Marks said. “He is well known by the community, and has a vast knowledge about our community. Those attributes will serve him well, and I look forward to working with Chief Pressnell in this role.”